License Agreement for Older release

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The version described here is no longer supported.

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The software is currently being released under the GPL version 3 license listed here

Paper Authorship

We request that papers based off work that uses tool chain should contact the software team via the SpiNNaker User Group to determine how to allocate contributions.

In the future the software is expected to be reported in a research paper, at which point contacting the software team requirement will be rescinded and a citation to the research paper will be required.


The software is open source and therefore we support, in principle, the modification of any aspect of the tool chain, but we reserve the right to not support maintenance of said software once modified.

Any modifications which are believed to be useful to the tool chain as a whole, we kindly ask you to contact the software team via the SpiNNaker User Group to be supported in discussions on if and how to integrate the modifications into future releases of the tool chain.