#define decay(x, d)
This is a type-generic decay "function".
static plastic_synapse_t synapse_structure_get_final_synaptic_word(final_state_t final_state)
Get the final plastic synapse data from the final state.
static accum synapse_structure_get_update_weight(update_state_t state)
Get the current synaptic weight stored in the update state.
static void synapse_structure_decay_weight(update_state_t *state, uint32_t decay)
Decay the synaptic weight value stored by multiplication.
static plastic_synapse_t synapse_structure_create_synapse(weight_t weight)
Create the initial plastic synapse data.
static update_state_t synapse_structure_get_update_state(plastic_synapse_t synaptic_word, index_t synapse_type)
Get the update state from the synapse structure.
static weight_t synapse_structure_get_final_weight(final_state_t final_state)
Get the final weight from the final state.
static final_state_t synapse_structure_get_final_state(update_state_t state)
Get the final state from the update state.
static weight_t synapse_structure_get_weight(plastic_synapse_t synaptic_word)
Get the current synaptic weight from the plastic synapse data.
Plastic synapse contains normal 16-bit weight and an accumulator.
interface for different weight implementations for the weight half of a STDP rule.