About SpiNNaker Java Host

Implementation of the host software for SpiNNaker in Java.

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
SpiNNaker Utilities General utilities for the SpiNNaker runtime.
SpiNNaker Machine Description Describes a SpiNNaker machine.
SpiNNaker Storage Management Storage management.
SpiNNaker Communications How to actually talk to a SpiNNaker machine and to Spalloc, the allocation service.
SpiNNaker PACMAN Implementation of the Partitioning and Configuration Manager (PACMAN).
SpiNNaker Front End Interface The front-end interface. NB: not a GUI!
SpiNNaker Allocation Server A board allocation service for SpiNNaker.
Python Configuration to JSON Converter Converts a spalloc server classic Python configuration file into JSON.
SpiNNaker NMPI Service Handler SpiNNaker NMPI service handler
SpiNNaker NMPI Service Shared Model Implementation of the host software for SpiNNaker in Java.
SpiNNaker NMPI Service Remote Executor Implementation of the host software for SpiNNaker in Java.
SpiNNaker Proxy Server A simple persistent proxy server.