All Classes
Class | Description |
AbstractDataElement |
A marker interface for possible data elements in the EIEIO data packet.
AbstractNotificationMessage |
A base class for concrete notification messages.
ADCInfo |
Container for the board status data thats been retrieved from a BMP.
Addresses |
The IP addresses associated with a SpiNNaker board.
AllocatedMachine |
A description of what boards have been allocated to a job.
AllocatedMachine.ConnectionInfo |
Information about a connection to a board.
AppID |
Application identifiers are used by SCAMP to tie various resources to their
AppIdTracker |
A tracker of application IDs to make it easier to allocate new IDs.
ApplicationRun |
A request to run an application.
ApplicationStop |
A request to stop an application.
Blacklist |
A blacklist read off a board.
BMPConnection |
A connection for talking to one or more Board Management Processors (BMPs).
BMPConnectionData |
Contains the details of a connection to a SpiNNaker Board Management
Processor (BMP).
BMPReadMemory |
A request to read a region of memory from a BMP.
BMPRequest<T extends BMPRequest.BMPResponse> |
The base class of a request following the BMP protocol.
BMPRequest.BMPResponse |
Represents an SCP request thats tailored for the BMP connection.
BMPRequest.PayloadedResponse<T> |
A BMP response that contains a payload of interest.
BMPSendFailedException |
Indicates that message sending to a BMP failed for various reasons.
BMPSendTimedOutException |
Indicates that message sending to a BMP timed out.
A request to alter the LEDs on a board managed by a BMP.
BMPTransceiverInterface |
The interface supported by the
Transceiver for talking to a BMP. |
BMPTransceiverInterface.FPGAResetType |
The type of reset to perform.
BMPWriteMemory |
A request to write to memory on a BMP.
BoardCoordinates |
The logical coordinates of a board.
BoardCoords |
Generalised coordinates of a board.
BoardLink |
A combination of x, y, z and a Link.
BoardPhysicalCoordinates |
The physical coordinates of a board.
BootConnection |
A connection to the SpiNNaker board that uses UDP for booting.
BootMessage |
A message used for booting the board.
BootMessages |
Represents a set of boot messages to be sent to boot the board.
CheckOKResponse |
An SCP response to a request which returns nothing other than OK or an error.
ChipInfo |
Represents the system variables for a chip, received from the chip SDRAM.
ChipSummaryInfo |
Represents the chip summary information read via an SCP command.
ClearIOBUF |
A request to clear the IOBUF on a core.
ClearReinjectionQueue |
A request to set the dropped packet reinjected packet types.
Command<A> |
A serialisable request to spalloc.
CommandCode |
All command codes usable in SCP-like messages.
CommonMemoryLocations |
Common memory locations.
Configuration |
A spalloc configuration loaded from a file.
Connection |
An abstract connection to the SpiNNaker board over some medium.
Connection |
Describes a connection by its chip and hostname.
ConnectionAwareMessage |
An interface that is applied to a message when it wants to be told what
connection it is being sent down prior to it being sent.
ConnectionListener<MessageType> |
Thread that listens to a connection and calls callbacks with new messages
when they arrive.
ConnectionSelector<T extends Connection> |
A connection selector for (especially multi-connection) processes.
Constants |
Miscellaneous SpiNNaker constants.
CoresNotInStateException |
Cores failed to reach a given state within a timeout.
CountState |
A request to get a count of the cores in a particular state.
CountState.Response |
An SCP response to a request for the number of cores in a given state.
CPUInfo |
Represents information about the state of a CPU.
CPUState |
SARK CPU States.
CreateJob |
A request to create a job.
CreateJob |
An abstract, high-level request to create a job.
CreateJob.Dimensions |
Used when asking for a rectangle of boards.
CreateJob.SpecificBoard |
Used when asking for a specific board.
CreateJobCommand |
Request to create a job.
CustomEIEIOCommand |
A non-standard EIEIO command.
DatabaseConfirmation |
Message which contains the path to the job description database created by
the toolchain which is to be used by any software which interfaces with
DataType |
Enum for data types of system variables.
DeadLink |
Describes a dead or administratively disabled link.
DeadLink.End |
One end of a dead link.
DelegatingSCPConnection |
An SCP connection that actually delegates message sending and receiving to
another connection.
DestroyJobCommand |
Request to destroy a job.
DiagnosticFilter |
A router diagnostic counter filter, which counts packets passing through the
router with certain properties.
DiagnosticFilter.DefaultRoutingStatus |
Default routing flags for the diagnostic filters.
DiagnosticFilter.Destination |
Destination flags for the diagnostic filters.
DiagnosticFilter.EmergencyRoutingStatus |
Emergency routing status flags for the diagnostic filters.
DiagnosticFilter.GetBitIndex |
How to get the bit index of an enum value.
DiagnosticFilter.PacketType |
Packet type flags for the diagnostic filters.
DiagnosticFilter.PayloadStatus |
Payload flags for the diagnostic filters.
DiagnosticFilter.Source |
Source flags for the diagnostic filters.
Direction |
Link directions of a board.
EIEIOCommand |
Describes a class that can be a command identifier for an EIEIO command
EIEIOCommandID |
What SpiNNaker-specific EIEIO commands there are.
EIEIOCommandMessage |
An EIEIO message containing a command.
EIEIOCommandMessage.Header |
EIEIO header for command packets.
EIEIOConnection |
A UDP connection for sending and receiving raw EIEIO messages.
EIEIODataMessage |
An EIEIO message containing data.
EIEIODataMessage.Header |
EIEIO header for data packets.
EIEIOHeader |
Marker interface for headers in EIEIO.
EIEIOMessage<Header extends EIEIOHeader> |
An EIEIO message's basic operations.
EIEIOMessageFactory |
Main interface for deserialising a message.
EIEIOMessageHandler |
Handles a message received from an EIEIO connection.
EIEIOPrefix |
Possible prefixing of keys in EIEIO packets.
Possible types of EIEIO packets.
EmptyResponse |
An SCP response to a request which has an empty payload.
EraseFlash |
A request to erase flash memory on a BMP.
EventStopRequest |
Packet used for the buffering input technique which causes the parser of the
input packet to terminate its execution.
ExceptionResponse |
A response to a request that indicates a failure.
ExecutableTargets |
Encapsulate the binaries and cores on which to execute them.
FECRequest<T extends SCPResponse> |
A command message to a core using FrontEndCommon lib's simulation management
FillDataType |
The fill unit for a fill of values in memory.
FillRequest |
A request to fill a region of memory on a chip with repeated words of
FirmwareDescriptor |
A firmware descriptor.
FirmwareDescriptors |
Basic information about firmware.
FixedRouteInitialise |
A request to set a fixed route entry.
FixedRouteRead |
A request to read a fixed route entry.
FloodFillData |
A request to flood fill some data.
FloodFillEnd |
A request to finish a flood fill of data across all cores and launch the
FloodFillStart |
A request to start a flood fill of data.
Identifiers for the FPGAs on a SpiNNaker board, as managed by BMP.
FPGALinkRegisters |
FPGA registers within a register bank.
FPGAMainRegisters |
Main FPGA registers.
FPGARecevingLinkCounters |
FPGA link receive counters.
FPGASendingLinkCounters |
FPGA link send counters.
GetBMPVersion |
A request to read the version of software running on a board's BMP.
GetBoardAtPositionCommand |
Request the logical location of a board.
GetBoardPositionCommand |
Request the physical location of a board.
GetChipInfo |
A request to read the chip information from a core.
GetFPGAResetStatus |
Get the reset status of the FPGAs managed by a BMP.
GetJobMachineInfoCommand |
Request to get machine information relating to a job.
GetJobStateCommand |
Request the state of a job.
GetReinjectionStatus |
A request to get the status of the dropped packet reinjection.
GetVersion |
A request to read the version of software running on a core.
GetVersion.Response |
An SCP response to a request for the version of software running.
HeapElement |
An element of one of the heaps on SpiNNaker.
HostDataRead |
Packet sent by the host computer to the SpiNNaker system in the context of
the buffering output technique to signal that the host has completed reading
data from the output buffer, and that such space can be considered free to
use again.
HostDataReadAck |
Packet sent by the host computer to the SpiNNaker system in the context of
the buffering output technique to signal that the host has received a request
to read data.
HostSendSequencedData |
Packet sent from the host to the SpiNNaker system in the context of buffering
input mechanism to identify packet which needs to be stored in memory for
future use.
InitFPGA |
A request to start an initialisation of the FPGAs.
InvalidPacketException |
Indicates that a packet with an unsupported format was received.
IOBuffer |
The contents of IOBUF for a core.
IPAddressConnection |
A connection that detects any UDP packet that is transmitted by SpiNNaker
boards prior to boot.
IPTagClear |
A request to clear an IP Tag.
IPTagFieldDefinitions |
Constants for working with tags.
IPTagGet |
A request to get an IP tag.
IPTagGetInfo |
A request information about IP tags.
IPTagSet |
A request to set a (forward) IP Tag.
A request to set the transient timeout for future SCP requests.
IPTagTimeOutWaitTime |
The values used by the SCP IP tag time outs.
JobConstants |
Default values for various configuration file options.
JobDescription |
Describes a job.
JobDescription |
A description of the state of a job.
JobDescription.Builder |
Builder for
JobDescription . |
JobDestroyedException |
Thrown when the job was destroyed while waiting for it to become ready.
JobKeepAliveCommand |
Request to keep a job alive.
JobMachineInfo |
A description of a machine associated with a job, in terms of width, height,
connections and its name.
JobsChangedNotification |
A response that describes what jobs have changed state.
JobState |
A description of the state of a job, in terms of its state, whether its
boards are powered, the advised keep-alive polling interval and the reason
that the job died (if in the
DESTROYED state). |
JobState.Builder |
Builder for
JobState . |
KeyDataElement |
A data element that contains just a key.
KeyPayloadDataElement |
A data element that contains a key and a payload.
LEDAction |
The SCP LED actions.
ListJobsCommand |
Request the list of all jobs from the spalloc server.
ListMachinesCommand |
Request to get the known machines from the spalloc service.
LoadApplicationRoutes |
A request to load the previously-saved application multicast router
LoadSystemRoutes |
A request to load the previously-configured system multicast router
LocateConnectedMachineIPAddress |
Locate any SpiNNaker machines IP addresses from the auto-transmitted packets
from non-booted SpiNNaker machines.
Machine |
Describes a machine by its name, tags, width and height.
MachineAware |
This indicates a class that can be told about the machine.
MachinesChangedNotification |
A response that describes what machines have changed state.
MailboxCommand |
Commands sent between an application and the monitor processor.
MemoryAllocationFailedException |
Indicate that a memory allocation operation has failed.
MessageHandler<MessageType> |
Handles a message received from a connection.
MostDirectConnectionSelector<C extends SCPSenderReceiver> |
A selector that goes for the most direct connection for the message.
NoNotifyJobCommand |
Request to not receive notifications about a job.
NoNotifyMachineCommand |
Request to not receive notifications about a machine.
NoResponse |
An SCP response that should never be received because its request is
guaranteed to be a one-way request.
Notification |
Notifications all implement.
NotificationConnection |
A UDP connection for sending and receiving notification protocol messages.
NotificationMessage |
A notification message.
NotificationMessageCode |
What command codes are used in the notification protocol.
NotifyJobCommand |
Request to get notifications about a job.
NotifyMachineCommand |
Request to get notifications about a machine.
P2PTable |
Represents a P2P routing table read from the machine.
P2PTableRoute |
P2P Routing table routes.
PaddingRequest |
Packet used to pad space in the buffering area, if needed.
ParallelSafe |
Documents a transceiver operation that may be used from multiple threads in
parallel provided those threads are accessing different boards.
ParallelSafeWithCare |
Documents a transceiver operation that may be used from multiple threads in
parallel provided those threads are accessing different boards (or different
BMPs, for BMP-based operations), and care is taken to use this method in a
way that only accesses a single board via it.
ParallelUnsafe |
Documents a transceiver operation that should not be used from multiple
threads in parallel at all.
PauseStop |
Message which indicates that the toolchain has paused or stopped.
PayloadedResponse<T,E extends Exception> |
A response that holds a payload.
PowerCommand |
The BMP Power Commands.
PowerOffJobBoardsCommand |
Request to turn off the boards associated with a job.
PowerOnJobBoardsCommand |
Request to turn on the boards associated with a job.
ProcessException |
Encapsulates exceptions from processes which communicate with some core/chip.
ProcessException.BadChecksum |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the checksum was wrong. |
ProcessException.BadCommand |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the command was not supported by the
destination. |
ProcessException.BadCPUNumber |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the destination core number was out of range. |
ProcessException.BadPacketLength |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the packet length was wrong. |
ProcessException.BadSCPPort |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the SCP port was out of range. |
ProcessException.CallerProcessException |
Marks an exception for errors in the message by the caller.
ProcessException.DeadDestination |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the destination core was not responding to
messages from SCAMP. |
ProcessException.InvalidArguments |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the arguments to the command are wrong. |
ProcessException.NoBufferAvailable |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that SCAMP had exhausted its supply of buffers. |
ProcessException.NoP2PRoute |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that messages cannot be directed to that destination
for some reason. |
ProcessException.P2PBusy |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
SCPResult.RC_P2P_BUSY message, indicating that the receiver in
the inter-SCAMP messaging was busy. |
ProcessException.P2PNoReply |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
SCPResult.RC_P2P_NOREPLY message, indicating that the inter-SCAMP
messaging failed because the channel open failed. |
ProcessException.P2PReject |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
SCPResult.RC_P2P_REJECT message, indicating that the receiver in
the inter-SCAMP messaging rejected the message. |
ProcessException.P2PTimedOut |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
SCPResult.RC_P2P_TIMEOUT message, indicating that the receiver in
the inter-SCAMP messaging did not respond. |
ProcessException.PacketTransmissionFailed |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
message, indicating that the packet transmission failed. |
ProcessException.PermanentProcessException |
Marks an exception for a permanent condition.
ProcessException.TimedOut |
A process exception cause by the receipt of a
SCPResult.RC_TIMEOUT message, indicating that communications
timed out. |
ProcessException.TransientProcessException |
Marks an exception for a transient condition.
ReadADC |
A request for the board status data from the BMP including voltages,
temperatures and fan speeds.
ReadCANStatus |
A request for the CAN bus status data from the BMP.
ReadFPGARegister |
A request for the data from a FPGA's register.
ReadIPAddress |
A request for the IP address data from a BMP.
ReadLink |
A request to read a region of memory via a link on a chip.
ReadMemory |
A request to read a region of memory.
ReadSerialFlash |
A request to read a region of serial flash from a BMP.
ReadSerialFlashCRC |
A request to get the CRC of serial flash memory from a BMP.
ReadSerialVector |
A request for the serial data vector from the BMP.
ReinjectionStatus |
Represents a status information message obtained from the dropped packet
reinjection core (an "extra monitor" core).
ReinjectorRequest<T extends CheckOKResponse> |
A command message to an extra monitor control core to manipulate the packet
reinjection subsystem.
ResetFPGA |
A request to perform a reset of the FPGAs managed by a BMP.
ResetReinjectionCounters |
A request to reset the statistics counters of the dropped packet
Response |
An (abstract) response from the machine manager.
RetryTracker |
Marks a class that is used to track how many retries were used.
ReturnResponse |
A response that is the successful result of a request.
ReverseIPTagSet |
A request to set a Reverse IP Tag.
RouterAlloc |
A request to allocate space for routing entries.
RouterClear |
A request to clear the router on a chip.
RouterDiagnostics |
Represents a set of diagnostic information available from a chip router.
RouterDiagnostics.RouterRegister |
Description of router registers.
RouterInit |
A request to initialise the router on a chip.
RouterTableRequest |
A command message to an extra monitor control core to manipulate the router
RouterTimeout |
A router timeout, originally stored as an 8-bit unsigned float.
RunTimeError |
SARK Run time errors.
SARKField |
A field that has an equivalent in a structure in SARK (or SCAMP, or the BMP).
SARKStruct |
A structure that has an equivalent in a structure in SARK (or SCAMP, or the
SARKStruct.API |
The supported APIs for mapped structures.
SaveApplicationRoutes |
A request to save the currently-installed application multicast router
SCPCommand |
The SCP Command codes.
SCPConnection |
An SDP connection to talk SCP (SpiNNaker Control Protocol) to SC&MP on a
SpiNNaker system, and to the cores managed by it.
SCPRequest<T extends SCPResponse> |
Represents an Abstract SCP Request.
SCPRequestHeader |
Represents the header of an SCP Request.
SCPResponse |
Represents an abstract SCP response.
SCPResult |
The SCP Result codes.
SCPResultMessage |
The low-level format of SCP result message.
SCPSenderReceiver |
Sends an SCP request and receives a response to it.
SDPConnection |
A UDP socket connection that talks SDP (SpiNNaker Datagram Protocol) to
SDPHeader |
Represents the header of an SDP message.
SDPHeader.Flag |
Possible values of the
flags field. |
SDPLocation |
Represents a location in an SDP message.
SDPMessage |
Wraps up an SDP message with a header and optional data.
SDPPort |
SDP port handling output buffering data streaming.
SDRAMAlloc |
A request to allocate space in the SDRAM space.
SDRAMDeAlloc |
A request to free space in the SDRAM.
SendSignal |
A request to send a signal to cores.
SequenceNumberSource |
Where to get sequence numbers from.
SerializableMessage |
Represents a serializable message or a piece of a serializable message.
SerialVector |
The data in the serial vector.
SetLED |
A request to change the state of an LED.
SetPower |
A request for the BMP to power on or power off some boards.
SetReinjectionPacketTypes |
A request to set the dropped packet reinjected packet types.
SetRouterEmergencyTimeout |
A request to set the router emergency timeout for dropped packet
SetRouterTimeout |
A request to the extra monitor core to set the router timeout for
dropped packet reinjection.
Signal |
SCP Signals.
Signal.Type |
The type of signal, determined by how it is transmitted.
SingletonConnectionSelector<T extends Connection> |
A selector that only ever handles a single connection.
SpallocAPI |
The interface exposed by the low-level Spalloc Client.
SpallocClient |
An API for talking to the Spalloc service.
SpallocClient |
A simple (blocking) client implementation of the
spalloc-server protocol.
SpallocClient.Job |
The services offered relating to a Spalloc job.
SpallocClient.Machine |
The services offered relating to a Spalloc machine.
SpallocClient.SpallocException |
Exception caused by the server sending an error.
SpallocClientFactory |
A factory for clients to connect to the Spalloc service.
SpallocConnection |
The basic communications layer of the spalloc client.
SpallocJob |
A high-level interface for requesting and managing allocations of SpiNNaker
SpallocJobAPI |
The interface supported by a spalloc job.
SpallocProtocolException |
Thrown when a network-level problem occurs during protocol handling.
SpallocProtocolTimeoutException |
Thrown upon a protocol-level timeout.
SpallocServerException |
Thrown when something went wrong on the server side that caused us to be sent
a message.
SpallocStateChangeTimeoutException |
Thrown when a state change takes too long to occur.
SpinnakerRequest |
Base class for sendable SDP-based messages.
SpinnakerRequestBuffers |
Message used in the context of the buffering input mechanism which is sent by
the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to ask for more data to inject
during the simulation.
SpinnakerRequestReadData |
Message used in the context of the buffering output mechanism which is sent
from the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to signal that some data is
available to be read.
SpinnmanException |
Basic exception from the transceiver.
StartRequests |
Packet used in the context of buffering input for the host computer to signal
to the SpiNNaker system that, if needed, it is possible to send more
"SpinnakerRequestBuffers" packet.
StartResume |
Message which indicates that the toolchain has started or resumed.
State |
States that a job might be in.
State |
The possible states of a spalloc job.
StopRequests |
Packet used in the context of buffering input for the host computer to signal
to the SpiNNaker system that to stop sending "SpinnakerRequestBuffers"
SystemVariableBootValues |
Default values of the system variables that get passed to SpiNNaker during
SystemVariableDefinition |
Defines the system variables available.
TagDescription |
Description of a tag.
TagInfo |
Information about a tag pool on an Ethernet-connected chip.
Transceiver |
An encapsulation of various communications with the SpiNNaker board.
Transceiver.ConnectionDescriptor |
A simple description of a connnection to create.
TransceiverInterface |
The interface supported by the
Transceiver . |
TransferUnit |
What to move data in units of.
TxrxProcess |
A process for talking to SpiNNaker efficiently that uses multiple connections
in communication (if appropriate).
UDPConnection<T> |
A connection to SpiNNaker over UDP/IPv4.
UDPConnection.TrafficClass |
The type of traffic being sent on a socket.
UDPPacket |
A packet with an address.
UDPTransceiver |
A simple transceiver for UDP connections.
UnexpectedResponseCodeException |
Indicate that a response code returned from the board was unexpected for the
current operation.
UnimplementedBMPTransceiver |
A transceiver where every operation (except the few mandatory ones) fails
UnsupportedOperationException . |
UnroutableMessageException |
Indicate that the board (or BMP) was unable to send a message on to its
final destination.
UpdateFlash |
A request to update flash memory on a BMP.
UpdateProvenanceAndExit |
A request to update the runtime info on a core.
UpdateRuntime |
A request to update the runtime info on a core.
Utils |
Utilities for working with messages.
Utils |
Support utilities.
Version |
A three-part semantic version description.
VersionCommand |
Request the version of the spalloc server.
VersionInfo |
Decodes SC&MP/SARK version information as returned by the SVER command.
WhereIs |
A description of where a board is and what it is doing.
WhereIs |
The description of where some resource is on a SpiNNaker system.
WhereIs.Builder |
Builder for
WhereIs . |
WhereIsJobChipCommand |
Request to get the location of a chip in a job's allocation relative to a
WhereIsMachineBoardLogicalCommand |
Request to get the location of a board in a machine by logical location.
WhereIsMachineBoardPhysicalCommand |
Request to get the location of a board in a machine by physical location.
WhereIsMachineChipCommand |
Request to get the location of a chip in a machine.
WriteFlashBuffer |
A request to write memory to flash on a BMP.
WriteFPGAData |
A request to upload a chunk of FPGA initialisation data.
WriteFPGARegister |
A request to write data to an FPGA register managed by a BMP.
WriteLink |
A request to write memory on a neighbouring chip.
WriteMemory |
A request to write memory on a chip.
WriteSerialFlash |
A request to write to serial flash on a BMP.