The messages of SpiNNaker Control Protocol (SCP).
Interface Summary Interface Description CommandCode All command codes usable in SCP-like messages.ConnectionAwareMessage An interface that is applied to a message when it wants to be told what connection it is being sent down prior to it being sent. -
Class Summary Class Description ApplicationRun A request to run an application.ApplicationStop A request to stop an application.CheckOKResponse An SCP response to a request which returns nothing other than OK or an error.ClearIOBUF A request to clear the IOBUF on a core.ClearReinjectionQueue A request to set the dropped packet reinjected packet types.CountState A request to get a count of the cores in a particular state.CountState.Response An SCP response to a request for the number of cores in a given state.EmptyResponse An SCP response to a request which has an empty payload.FECRequest<T extends SCPResponse> A command message to a core using FrontEndCommon lib's simulation management subsystem.FillRequest A request to fill a region of memory on a chip with repeated words of data.FixedRouteInitialise A request to set a fixed route entry.FixedRouteRead A request to read a fixed route entry.FloodFillData A request to flood fill some data.FloodFillEnd A request to finish a flood fill of data across all cores and launch the application.FloodFillStart A request to start a flood fill of data.GetChipInfo A request to read the chip information from a core.GetReinjectionStatus A request to get the status of the dropped packet reinjection.GetVersion A request to read the version of software running on a core.GetVersion.Response An SCP response to a request for the version of software running.IPTagClear A request to clear an IP Tag.IPTagGet A request to get an IP tag.IPTagGetInfo A request information about IP tags.IPTagSet A request to set a (forward) IP Tag.IPTagSetTTO A request to set the transient timeout for future SCP requests.LoadApplicationRoutes A request to load the previously-saved application multicast router table.LoadSystemRoutes A request to load the previously-configured system multicast router table.NoResponse An SCP response that should never be received because its request is guaranteed to be a one-way request.PayloadedResponse<T,E extends Exception> A response that holds a payload.ReadLink A request to read a region of memory via a link on a chip.ReadMemory A request to read a region of memory.ReinjectorRequest<T extends CheckOKResponse> A command message to an extra monitor control core to manipulate the packet reinjection subsystem.ResetReinjectionCounters A request to reset the statistics counters of the dropped packet reinjection.ReverseIPTagSet A request to set a Reverse IP Tag.RouterAlloc A request to allocate space for routing entries.RouterClear A request to clear the router on a chip.RouterInit A request to initialise the router on a chip.RouterTableRequest A command message to an extra monitor control core to manipulate the router table.SaveApplicationRoutes A request to save the currently-installed application multicast router table.SCPRequest<T extends SCPResponse> Represents an Abstract SCP Request.SCPRequestHeader Represents the header of an SCP Request.SCPResponse Represents an abstract SCP response.SCPResultMessage The low-level format of SCP result message.SDRAMAlloc A request to allocate space in the SDRAM space.SDRAMDeAlloc A request to free space in the SDRAM.SendSignal A request to send a signal to cores.SequenceNumberSource Where to get sequence numbers from.SetLED A request to change the state of an LED.SetReinjectionPacketTypes A request to set the dropped packet reinjected packet types.SetRouterEmergencyTimeout A request to set the router emergency timeout for dropped packet reinjection.SetRouterTimeout A request to the extra monitor core to set the router timeout for dropped packet reinjection.UpdateProvenanceAndExit A request to update the runtime info on a core.UpdateRuntime A request to update the runtime info on a core.WriteLink A request to write memory on a neighbouring chip.WriteMemory A request to write memory on a chip. -
Enum Summary Enum Description SCPCommand The SCP Command codes.SCPResult The SCP Result codes.