Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
How to actually talk to a SpiNNaker machine.
Uses of ParallelSafeWithCare in
Methods in with annotations of type ParallelSafeWithCare Modifier and Type Method Description default MappableIterable<BMPBoard>
BMPTransceiverInterface. availableBoards()
List which boards are actually available to be manipulated by the current bound BMP.MappableIterable<BMPBoard>
BMPTransceiverInterface. availableBoards(@Valid BMPCoords bmp)
List which boards are actually available to be manipulated by a particular BMP.void
Transceiver. clearIobuf(CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
TransceiverInterface. clearIobuf(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
Clear the contents of the IOBUF buffer for a collection of processors.void
Transceiver. clearIPTag(int tag, InetAddress boardAddress)
Transceiver. executeFlood(CoreSubsets coreSubsets, File executable, AppID appID, boolean wait)
Transceiver. executeFlood(CoreSubsets coreSubsets, InputStream executable, int numBytes, AppID appID, boolean wait)
Transceiver. executeFlood(CoreSubsets coreSubsets, ByteBuffer executable, AppID appID, boolean wait)
default void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull File executable, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull File executable, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.default void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull InputStream executable, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull InputStream executable, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.default void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull ByteBuffer executable, @NotNull AppID appID)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.void
TransceiverInterface. executeFlood(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull ByteBuffer executable, @NotNull AppID appID, boolean wait)
Start an executable running on multiple places on the board.default CoreSubsets
TransceiverInterface. getCoresInState(@Valid CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, @NotNull CPUState state)
Get all cores that are in a given state.default CoreSubsets
TransceiverInterface. getCoresInState(@Valid CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, EnumSet<@NotNull CPUState> states)
Get all cores that are in a given set of states.default Map<CoreLocation,CPUInfo>
TransceiverInterface. getCoresNotInState(@Valid CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, @NotNull CPUState state)
Get all cores that are not in a given state.default Map<CoreLocation,CPUInfo>
TransceiverInterface. getCoresNotInState(@Valid CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, EnumSet<@NotNull CPUState> states)
Get all cores that are not in a given set of states.MappableIterable<CPUInfo>
Transceiver. getCPUInformation(CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
TransceiverInterface. getCPUInformation(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
Get information about some processors on the board.default ChipInfo
TransceiverInterface. getFullChipInformation(HasChipLocation chip)
Get the full information about the chip.MappableIterable<IOBuffer>
Transceiver. getIobuf(CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
TransceiverInterface. getIobuf(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
Get the contents of the IOBUF buffer for a collection of processors.Machine
TransceiverInterface. getMachineDetails()
Get the details of the machine made up of chips on a board and how they are connected to each other.MachineDimensions
TransceiverInterface. getMachineDimensions()
Get the maximum chip x-coordinate and maximum chip y-coordinate of the chips in the machine.default boolean
BMPTransceiverInterface. getResetStatus(@Valid BMPBoard board)
Get the FPGA reset status.boolean
BMPTransceiverInterface. getResetStatus(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board)
Get the FPGA reset status.default MemoryLocation
BMPTransceiverInterface. getSerialFlashBuffer(@Valid BMPBoard board)
Get the address of the serial flash buffer.MemoryLocation
BMPTransceiverInterface. getSerialFlashBuffer(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board)
Get the address of the serial flash buffer.List<Tag>
Transceiver. getTags(SCPConnection connection)
Transceiver. getTagUsage(SCPConnection connection)
Transceiver. loadApplicationRouterTables(CoreSubsets monitorCores)
TransceiverInterface. loadApplicationRouterTables(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores)
Load the (previously saved) application's multicast router tables.void
Transceiver. loadSystemRouterTables(CoreSubsets monitorCores)
TransceiverInterface. loadSystemRouterTables(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores)
Load the (previously configured) system multicast router tables.default void
BMPTransceiverInterface. powerOff(@Valid BMPBoard board)
Power off a board in the machine.default void
BMPTransceiverInterface. powerOff(Collection<@Valid BMPBoard> boards)
Power off some boards in the machine.default void
BMPTransceiverInterface. powerOn(@Valid BMPBoard board)
Power on a board in the machine.default void
BMPTransceiverInterface. powerOn(Collection<@Valid BMPBoard> boards)
Power on some boards in the machine.default FirmwareDescriptor
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPFirmwareDescriptor(@Valid BMPBoard board, FirmwareDescriptors type)
Read the BMP firmware descriptor.default FirmwareDescriptor
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPFirmwareDescriptor(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, FirmwareDescriptors type)
Read the BMP firmware descriptor.default ByteBuffer
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPMemory(@Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read BMP memory.ByteBuffer
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPMemory(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read BMP memory.ByteBuffer
Transceiver. readBMPMemory(BMPCoords bmp, BMPBoard board, MemoryLocation baseAddress, int length)
default int
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPMemoryWord(@Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation address)
Read BMP memory.default int
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPMemoryWord(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation address)
Read BMP memory.VersionInfo
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBMPVersion(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board)
Read the BMP version.String
BMPTransceiverInterface. readBoardSerialNumber(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board)
Read the BMP serial number from a board.default ByteBuffer
TransceiverInterface. readNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read some areas of memory on a neighbouring chip using a LINK_READ SCP command.ByteBuffer
TransceiverInterface. readNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read some areas of memory on a neighbouring chip using a LINK_READ SCP command.default ByteBuffer
BMPTransceiverInterface. readSerialFlash(@Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read BMP serial flash memory.ByteBuffer
BMPTransceiverInterface. readSerialFlash(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read BMP serial flash memory.default int
BMPTransceiverInterface. readSerialFlashCRC(@Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read the CRC32 checksum of BMP serial flash
BMPTransceiverInterface. readSerialFlashCRC(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int length)
Read the CRC32 checksum of BMP serial flash memory.default void
BMPTransceiverInterface. resetFPGA(@Valid BMPBoard board, BMPTransceiverInterface.FPGAResetType resetType)
Reset the FPGAs on a board.void
BMPTransceiverInterface. resetFPGA(@Valid BMPCoords bmp, @Valid BMPBoard board, BMPTransceiverInterface.FPGAResetType resetType)
Reset the FPGAs on a board.void
Transceiver. resetReinjectionCounters(CoreSubsets monitorCores)
TransceiverInterface. resetReinjectionCounters(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores)
Reset the packet reinjection counters of some monitor processes.void
Transceiver. saveApplicationRouterTables(CoreSubsets monitorCores)
TransceiverInterface. saveApplicationRouterTables(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores)
Save the application's multicast router tables.void
Transceiver. setIPTag(IPTag tag)
Transceiver. setIPTag(IPTag tag, SDPConnection connection)
TransceiverInterface. setIPTag(@Valid IPTag tag)
Set up an IP tag.void
TransceiverInterface. setIPTag(@Valid IPTag tag, @NotNull SDPConnection connection)
Set up an IP tag to deliver messages to a particular connection.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(CoreSubsets monitorCores, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
Set the emergency packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, @NotNull ReinjectionStatus status)
Set the emergency packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionEmergencyTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, @NotNull RouterTimeout timeout)
Set the emergency packet reinjection timeout.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionTimeout(CoreSubsets monitorCores, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, int timeoutMantissa, int timeoutExponent)
Set the packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, @NotNull ReinjectionStatus status)
Set the packet reinjection timeout.default void
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTimeout(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, @NotNull RouterTimeout timeout)
Set the packet reinjection timeout.void
Transceiver. setReinjectionTypes(CoreSubsets monitorCores, boolean multicast, boolean pointToPoint, boolean fixedRoute, boolean nearestNeighbour)
TransceiverInterface. setReinjectionTypes(@Valid CoreSubsets monitorCores, boolean multicast, boolean pointToPoint, boolean fixedRoute, boolean nearestNeighbour)
Set what types of packets are to be reinjected.void
Transceiver. setReverseIPTag(ReverseIPTag tag)
Transceiver. updateProvenanceAndExit(CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
TransceiverInterface. updateProvenanceAndExit(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
Tell some running application cores to write their provenance data to a location where it can be read back, and then to go into theirFINISHED
Transceiver. updateRuntime(Integer runTimesteps, int currentTime, int syncTimesteps, CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
TransceiverInterface. updateRuntime(@PositiveOrZero Integer runTimesteps, @javax.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero int currentTime, @javax.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero int syncTimesteps, @Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets)
Set the running time information for a collection of processors.void
Transceiver. waitForCoresToBeInState(CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, AppID appID, EnumSet<CPUState> cpuStates, Integer timeout, int timeBetweenPolls, EnumSet<CPUState> errorStates, int countBetweenFullChecks)
default void
TransceiverInterface. waitForCoresToBeInState(@Valid CoreSubsets coreSubsets, @NotNull AppID appID, EnumSet<@NotNull CPUState> cpuStates)
Waits for the specified cores running the given application to be in some target state or states.void
TransceiverInterface. waitForCoresToBeInState(@Valid CoreSubsets allCoreSubsets, @NotNull AppID appID, EnumSet<@NotNull CPUState> cpuStates, @PositiveOrZero Integer timeout, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int timeBetweenPolls, EnumSet<@NotNull CPUState> errorStates, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int countsBetweenFullCheck)
Waits for the specified cores running the given application to be in some target state or states.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty byte[] data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, int dataWord)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull File dataFile)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull InputStream dataStream, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasChipLocation chip, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull ByteBuffer data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @javax.validation.constraints.NotEmpty byte[] data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.default void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, int dataWord)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull File dataFile)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull InputStream dataStream, @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int numBytes)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.void
TransceiverInterface. writeNeighbourMemory(@Valid HasCoreLocation core, @NotNull Direction link, @NotNull MemoryLocation baseAddress, @NotNull ByteBuffer data)
Write to the memory of a neighbouring chip using a LINK_WRITE SCP command.