Class NoDropPacketContext

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NoDropPacketContext
extends Object
implements AutoCloseable
A context class that can disable dropping of packets on the SpiNNaker on-chip network. Use very carefully indeed! A network that can't drop packets is a network that can deadlock. It is not believed safe to use this class on more than one board at a time, and it is definitely not safe to do anything else than data transfers while the context is set.
Donal Fellows, Alan Stokes
  • Constructor Details

    • NoDropPacketContext

      @MustBeClosed public NoDropPacketContext​(TransceiverInterface txrx, monitorCores, gatherers) throws IOException, ProcessException, InterruptedException
      Create a no-drop-packets context. This can manage multiple boards at once, but it is recommended that only a single board be handled by a context.
      txrx - The transceiver to use for talking to SpiNNaker.
      monitorCores - The extra monitor cores on the SpiNNaker system that control the routers. These must be on the same board as one of the gatherers; this is not checked.
      gatherers - The gatherer cores on the SpiNNaker system that supports the multicast router control API.
      IOException - If communications fail.
      ProcessException - If SCAMP or an extra monitor rejects a message.
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • NoDropPacketContext

      @MustBeClosed public NoDropPacketContext​(TransceiverInterface txrx, monitorCoreLocations, Gather gatherer) throws IOException, ProcessException, InterruptedException
      Create a no-drop-packets context for a single board.
      txrx - The transceiver to use for talking to SpiNNaker.
      monitorCoreLocations - The extra monitor cores on the SpiNNaker system that control the routers. These must be on the same board as the gatherer; this is not checked.
      gatherer - The gatherer for this context and linked to these extra monitor cores.
      IOException - If communications fail.
      ProcessException - If SCAMP or an extra monitor rejects a message.
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • NoDropPacketContext

      @MustBeClosed public NoDropPacketContext​(TransceiverInterface txrx, List<? extends> monitorCoreLocations, Gather gatherer) throws IOException, ProcessException, InterruptedException
      Create a no-drop-packets context for a single board.
      txrx - The transceiver to use for talking to SpiNNaker.
      monitorCoreLocations - The extra monitor cores on the SpiNNaker system that control the routers. These must be on the same board as the gatherer; this is not checked.
      gatherer - The gatherer for this context and linked to these extra monitor cores.
      IOException - If communications fail.
      ProcessException - If SCAMP or an extra monitor rejects a message.
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • NoDropPacketContext

      @MustBeClosed public NoDropPacketContext​(TransceiverInterface txrx, Stream<? extends> monitorCoreLocations, Stream<Gather> gatherers) throws IOException, ProcessException, InterruptedException
      Create a no-drop-packets context.
      txrx - The transceiver to use for talking to SpiNNaker.
      monitorCoreLocations - The extra monitor cores on the SpiNNaker system that control the routers. These must be on the same board as one of the gatherers; this is not checked.
      gatherers - The gatherer for this context and linked to these extra monitor cores.
      IOException - If communications fail.
      ProcessException - If SCAMP or an extra monitor rejects a message.
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
  • Method Details