All Classes
Class | Description |
APIKeyResponse |
POJO holding the response for a query for an API key.
Chip |
Describes a chip by its X,Y location.
Collab |
POJO describing an HBP Collaboratory.
CollabContext |
POJO holding the description of a HBP Collaboratory context.
CollabPermissions |
POJO describing the permissions to a collaboratory object.
CollabRestService |
The REST API for the collabratory.
Command<A> |
A serialisable request to spalloc.
Connection |
Describes a connection by its chip and hostname.
CreateJobCommand |
Request to create a job.
CustomJacksonJsonProvider |
Extended JSON serialisation handler.
DateTimeSerialiser |
Simple serialiser for ISO 8601 dates, as Java likes them to be.
DestroyJobCommand |
Request to destroy a job.
DockerAPI |
Interface to the Docker API.
DockerAPI.WaitCondition |
Options for waiting.
DockerCreateRequest |
A request to
docker create . |
DockerCreateResponse |
A response to docker create.
DockerExecutorFactory |
Executor factory that uses Docker to run jobs.
DockerInspectResponse |
A response to
docker inspect . |
DockerInspectResponse.State |
Docker container state descriptor.
ErrorCaptureResponseFilter |
Better logging of errors.
ExceptionResponse |
A response to a request that indicates a failure.
FixedMachineManagerImpl |
A manager of directly-connected SpiNNaker machines.
GetJobMachineInfoCommand |
Request to get machine information relating to a job.
GetJobStateCommand |
Request the state of a job.
Icinga2 |
Interface to the Icinga2 API for status monitoring.
Icinga2CheckResult |
A result to report to Icinga.
Icinga2StatusMonitorManagerImpl |
Status monitor manager that reports to Icinga.
JobDone |
A Job where only the parts required for completion are set.
JobDoneCompat |
A Job where only the parts required for completion are set.
JobExecuter |
Executes jobs in an external process.
JobExecuterFactory |
A factory for creating job executers.
JobKeepAliveCommand |
Request to keep a job alive.
JobListCompat |
A list of Jobs.
JobLogOnly |
A Job where only the log is set (to allow log updates).
JobMachineInfo |
A description of a machine associated with a job, in terms of width, height,
connections and its name.
JobManager |
The manager of jobs; synchronises and manages all the ongoing and future
processes and machines.
JobsChangedResponse |
A response that describes what jobs have changed state.
JobState |
A description of the state of a job, in terms of its state, whether its
boards are powered, the advised keep-alive polling interval and the reason
that the job died (if in the
DESTROYED state). |
JobStatusOnly |
A Job where only the status is set (to allow status updates).
JobStatusOnlyCompat |
A Job where only the status is set (to allow log updates).
ListMachinesCommand |
Request to get the known machines from the spalloc service.
ListMachinesResponse |
A response that is the result of listing the machines.
LocalJobExecuterFactory |
An executer that runs its subprocesses on the local machine.
Machine |
Describes a machine by its name, tags, width and height.
MachineManager |
A service for managing SpiNNaker boards in a machine.
A Neuromorphic Platform Interface log core.
NMPIQueue |
The REST API for the HBP Neuromorphic Platform Interface queue.
NMPIQueueCompat |
The REST API for the HBP Neuromorphic Platform Interface queue.
NMPIQueueListener |
An interface for things that listen for new jobs.
NMPIQueueManager |
Manages the NMPI queue, receiving jobs and submitting them to be run.
NMPIQueueManagerCompat |
Manages the NMPI queue, receiving jobs and submitting them to be run.
NMPIQueueManagerV3 |
Manages the NMPI queue, receiving jobs and submitting them to be run.
NoNotifyJobCommand |
Request to not receive notifications about a job.
NotifyJobCommand |
Request to get notifications about a job.
NullExceptionMapper |
Convert NPEs into complaints about their most likely causes, bad inputs.
NullStatusMonitorManagerImpl |
Status Monitor that does nothing.
OutputData |
The output data from a Job.
OutputManager |
The REST API for the output manager.
OutputManagerImpl |
Service for managing Job output files.
PowerOffJobBoardsCommand |
Request to turn off the boards associated with a job.
PowerOnJobBoardsCommand |
Request to turn on the boards associated with a job.
PropertyBasedDeserialiser<T> |
A deserialiser which deserialises classes based on unique properties that
they have.
QueueEmpty |
A message indicating that the queue is empty.
QueueJob |
A Job that is a response from the queue.
QueueJobCompat |
A Job that is a response from the queue.
QueueNextResponse |
A response from the queue; can end up being one of a number of items.
RemoteSpinnakerBeans |
Builds the Spring beans in the application.
RemoteSpinnakerBeans.StatusServiceType |
Types of status possible.
Response |
An (abstract) response from the machine manager.
ReturnResponse |
A response that is the successful result of a request.
SpallocJavaMachineManagerImpl |
A machine manager that interfaces to the new spalloc service.
SpallocMachineManagerImpl |
A machine manager that interfaces to the old spalloc service.
StatusCake |
Interface to StatusCake API.
StatusCakeStatusMonitorManagerImpl |
Status monitor manager that uses the StatusCake service.
StatusMonitorManager |
A service that handles status monitoring.
UnicoreFileClient |
An interface to the UNICORE storage REST API.
WebApplicationConfig |
Main web-app entry point.
WhereIs |
The description of where some resource is on a SpiNNaker system.
WhereIsCommand |
Request to get the location of a chip in a job's allocation relative to a
XenVMExecuterFactory |
Executer factory that uses Xen VMs.