The REST interface.
Interface Summary Interface Description CollabRestService The REST API for the collabratory.DockerAPI Interface to the Docker API.Icinga2 Interface to the Icinga2 API for status monitoring.NMPIQueue The REST API for the HBP Neuromorphic Platform Interface queue.NMPIQueueCompat The REST API for the HBP Neuromorphic Platform Interface queue.OutputManager The REST API for the output manager.StatusCake Interface to StatusCake API.UnicoreFileClient An interface to the UNICORE storage REST API. -
Class Summary Class Description DockerCreateRequest A request todocker create
.DockerCreateResponse A response to docker create.DockerInspectResponse A response todocker inspect
.DockerInspectResponse.State Docker container state descriptor.JobDone A Job where only the parts required for completion are set.JobDoneCompat A Job where only the parts required for completion are set.JobListCompat A list of Jobs.JobLogOnly A Job where only the log is set (to allow log updates).JobStatusOnly A Job where only the status is set (to allow status updates).JobStatusOnlyCompat A Job where only the status is set (to allow log updates). -
Enum Summary Enum Description DockerAPI.WaitCondition Options for waiting.