SpiNNaker Java Host 7.3.1 API
Package | Description |
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc |
Allocation service for SpiNNaker.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.admin |
Administrative interfaces for spalloc server.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.allocator |
The core allocation system.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.bmp |
The BMP control subsystem.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.client |
Java client for the SpiNNaker allocation service.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.compat |
Spalloc v1 compatibility interface.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.db |
Database support for Spalloc server.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.model |
Miscellaneous model classes for spalloc.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.nmpi |
Interaction with the NMPI interface.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.proxy |
SpiNNaker message proxying support code.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.security |
Application security services for new Spalloc.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.alloc.web |
The user-facing web interface to the new spalloc service.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.connections |
Classes used to model types of connections that talk to SpiNNaker.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.connections.model |
Abstract model classes for connections.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.front_end |
The front-end interface to the Java implementation of the SpiNNaker host
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.front_end.download |
The buffer manager and support classes.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.front_end.download.request |
Classes used to describe the JSON requests to the data transfer code.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.front_end.dse |
Data specification execution interface.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.front_end.iobuf |
Utility for retrieving IOBUF contents.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine |
Describes a SpiNNaker machine.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine.bean |
Beans used to describe a SpiNNaker machine in JSON.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine.board |
Classes relating to boards in a SpiNNaker machine.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine.datalinks |
Describes a data link.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine.reports |
User-facing reports about the allocated machine.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.machine.tags |
Describes IPtags and reverse IPtags.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages |
Generic support classes for messages.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.bmp |
Messages that talk to the BMP.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.boot |
Messages used to boot a SpiNNaker board.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.eieio |
The messages of the EIEIO protocol.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.model |
Model support classes for the communication messages.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.notification |
The messages of the notification protocol.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.scp |
The messages of SpiNNaker Control Protocol (SCP).
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.messages.sdp |
Messages sent and received by SDP (the SpiNNaker Datagram Protocol).
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi |
The NMPI service classes.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.jobmanager |
The job executers and their factories.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.machinemanager |
The description of SpiNNaker jobs.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.machinemanager.commands |
Commands to send to Spalloc.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.machinemanager.responses |
Responses received from Spalloc.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.model |
Model bits and pieces.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.model.job |
The description of SpiNNaker jobs.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.model.job.nmpi |
The description of SpiNNaker jobs based on the HBP NMPI.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.model.job.pynn |
The description of parameters for SpiNNaker jobs that use PyNN.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.model.machine |
The description of SpiNNaker machines.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.nmpi |
Implementation of the HBP NMPI back-end protocol.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.rest |
The REST interface.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.rest.utils |
Utilities used to support the REST interface.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.status |
Contains classes for dealing with status monitoring.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpi.web |
NMPI SpiNNaker Service handler.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpiexec.job_parameters |
The parameters used to launch a job.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpiexec.jobprocess |
The handles for running jobs.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpiexec.jobprocessmanager |
The main job process manager code.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.nmpiexec.utils |
Miscellaneous utilities.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.pacman |
Implementation of the Partitioning and Configuration Manager (PACMAN).
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.proxy |
A simple persistent proxy server, that allows the service to be restarted
without losing client connections.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.py2json |
Conversion utility.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.spalloc |
SpiNNaker old-style machine allocation client.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.spalloc.exceptions |
Exceptions of the spalloc client.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.spalloc.messages |
Commands to send to Spalloc, and responses received from Spalloc.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.storage |
Storage management.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.storage.sqlite |
Storage management implementation that uses SQLite.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.storage.threading |
Thread management.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.transceiver |
How to actually talk to a SpiNNaker machine.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.utils |
General utilities for the SpiNNaker runtime.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.utils.progress |
ProegressBar (and Timer) utilities.
uk.ac.manchester.spinnaker.utils.validation |
Utilities for validation of things.