Constant Field Values


    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final String ADD_BLACKLISTED_CHIP "INSERT INTO blacklisted_chips(board_id, coord_id, notes) WITH args(board_id, x, y) AS (SELECT :board_id, :x, :y),m(model) AS (SELECT board_model FROM machines JOIN boards USING (machine_id) JOIN args USING (board_id)) SELECT args.board_id, coord_id, NULL FROM board_model_coords JOIN m USING (model) JOIN args WHERE chip_x = args.x AND chip_y = args.y"
    protected static final String ADD_BLACKLISTED_CORE "INSERT INTO blacklisted_cores(board_id, coord_id, physical_core, notes) WITH args(board_id, x, y, p) AS (SELECT :board_id, :x, :y, :p), m(model) AS (SELECT board_model FROM machines JOIN boards USING (machine_id) JOIN args USING (board_id)) SELECT args.board_id, coord_id, p, NULL FROM board_model_coords JOIN m USING (model) JOIN args WHERE chip_x = args.x AND chip_y = args.y"
    protected static final String ADD_BLACKLISTED_LINK "INSERT INTO blacklisted_links(board_id, coord_id, direction, notes) WITH args(board_id, x, y, dir) AS (SELECT :board_id, :x, :y, :direction), m(model) AS (SELECT board_model FROM machines JOIN boards USING (machine_id) JOIN args USING (board_id)) SELECT args.board_id, coord_id, dir, NULL FROM board_model_coords JOIN m USING (model) JOIN args WHERE chip_x = args.x AND chip_y = args.y"
    protected static final String ADD_USER_TO_GROUP "INSERT INTO group_memberships(user_id, group_id) VALUES (:user_id, :group_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE user_id=user_id;"
    protected static final String ADJUST_QUOTA "UPDATE user_groups SET quota = GREATEST(0, quota + :delta) WHERE group_id = :group_id AND quota IS NOT NULL"
    protected static final String ALLOCATE_BOARDS_BOARD "UPDATE boards SET allocated_job = :job_id WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String ALLOCATE_BOARDS_JOB "UPDATE jobs SET width = :width, height = :height, depth = :depth, root_id = :board_id, allocation_size = :num_boards, allocation_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), allocated_root = :allocated_board_id WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String BUMP_IMPORTANCE "UPDATE job_request SET importance = importance + priority"
    protected static final String CHECK_LOCATION "SELECT x, y, z FROM boards WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND boards.board_id = :board_id AND (boards.functioning is NULL or boards.functioning != 0)"
    protected static final String CLEAR_BLACKLISTED_CHIPS "DELETE FROM blacklisted_chips WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String CLEAR_BLACKLISTED_CORES "DELETE FROM blacklisted_cores WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String CLEAR_BLACKLISTED_LINKS "DELETE FROM blacklisted_links WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String COMPLETED_BLACKLIST_WRITE "UPDATE blacklist_ops SET completed = 1 WHERE op_id = :op_id"
    protected static final String COMPLETED_BOARD_INFO_READ "UPDATE blacklist_ops SET data = :data, completed = 1 WHERE op_id = :op_id"
    protected static final String COMPLETED_GET_SERIAL_REQ "UPDATE blacklist_ops SET completed = 1 WHERE op_id = :op_id"
    protected static final String COUNT_CHANGES_FOR_JOB "SELECT COUNT(change_id) as n_changes, COALESCE(SUM(is_error), 0) as n_errors FROM pending_changes WHERE job_id = :job_id AND from_state = :from_state AND to_state = :to_state"
    protected static final String COUNT_FUNCTIONING_BOARDS "SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM boards WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND (functioning IS NULL or functioning != 0) ORDER BY power_off_timestamp ASC LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String COUNT_MACHINE_THINGS "WITH args(m) AS (SELECT :machine_id), b AS (SELECT * from boards,args WHERE machine_id = m), bc AS (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM b), iu AS (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM b WHERE allocated_job IS NOT NULL), jc AS (SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM jobs,args WHERE machine_id = m AND job_state != 4) SELECT bc.c AS board_count, iu.c AS in_use, jc.c AS num_jobs FROM bc, iu, jc"
    protected static final String COUNT_POWERED_BOARDS "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM boards WHERE allocated_job = :job_id AND board_power"
    protected static final String CREATE_BLACKLIST_READ "INSERT INTO blacklist_ops(board_id, op, completed) VALUES(:board_id, 0, 0)"
    protected static final String CREATE_BLACKLIST_WRITE "INSERT INTO blacklist_ops(board_id, op, completed, data) VALUES(:board_id, 1, 0, :blacklist)"
    protected static final String CREATE_GROUP "INSERT INTO user_groups(group_name, quota, group_type) VALUES(:group_name, :quota, :group_type)"
    protected static final String CREATE_GROUP_IF_NOT_EXISTS "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_groups(group_name, quota, group_type) VALUES(:group_name, :quota, :group_type)"
    protected static final String CREATE_SERIAL_READ_REQ "INSERT INTO blacklist_ops(board_id, op, completed) VALUES(:board_id, 2, 0)"
    protected static final String CREATE_TEMP_READ_REQ "INSERT INTO blacklist_ops(board_id, op, completed) VALUES(:board_id, 3, 0)"
    protected static final String CREATE_USER "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_info(user_name, encrypted_password, trust_level, disabled, openid_subject) VALUES(:user_name, :encoded_password, :trust_level, :disabled, :openid_subject)"
    protected static final String DEALLOCATE_BMP_BOARDS_JOB "UPDATE boards SET allocated_job = NULL WHERE allocated_job = :job_id AND bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String DECREMENT_QUOTA "UPDATE user_groups SET quota = quota - :usage WHERE group_id = :group_id AND quota IS NOT NULL"
    protected static final String DELETE_ALLOC_RECORD "DELETE FROM old_board_allocations WHERE alloc_id = :alloc_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_BLACKLIST_OP "DELETE FROM blacklist_ops WHERE op_id = :op_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_GROUP "DELETE FROM user_groups WHERE group_id = :group_id "
    protected static final String DELETE_JOB_RECORD "DELETE FROM jobs WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_MACHINE_TAGS "DELETE FROM tags WHERE machine_id = :machine_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_NMPI_JOB "DELETE FROM job_nmpi_job WHERE nmpi_job_id = :nmpi_job_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_NMPI_SESSION "DELETE FROM job_nmpi_session WHERE session_id = :session_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_PENDING "DELETE FROM pending_changes WHERE job_id = :job_id AND from_state = :from_state AND to_state = :to_state"
    protected static final String DELETE_TASK "DELETE FROM job_request WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String DELETE_USER "DELETE FROM user_info WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String DESTROY_JOB "UPDATE jobs SET job_state = 4, death_reason = :death_reason, death_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE job_id = :job_id AND job_state != 4"
    protected static final String ERROR_PENDING "UPDATE pending_changes SET is_error=1 WHERE change_id = :change_id"
    protected static final String FAILED_BLACKLIST_OP "UPDATE blacklist_ops SET failure = :failure, completed = 1 WHERE op_id = :op_id"
    protected static final String FIND_BOARD_BY_ID "SELECT boards.board_id, boards.x, boards.y, boards.z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, machines.machine_name, bmp_serial_id, physical_serial_id, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE boards.board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String FIND_BOARD_BY_NAME_AND_CFB "SELECT boards.board_id, boards.x, boards.y, boards.z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, machines.machine_name, bmp_serial_id, physical_serial_id, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE machine_name = :machine_name AND bmp.cabinet = :cabinet AND bmp.frame = :frame AND boards.board_num IS NOT NULL AND boards.board_num = :board LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String FIND_BOARD_BY_NAME_AND_IP_ADDRESS "SELECT boards.board_id, boards.x, boards.y, boards.z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, machines.machine_name, bmp_serial_id, physical_serial_id, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE machine_name = :machine_name AND boards.address IS NOT NULL AND boards.address = :address LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String FIND_BOARD_BY_NAME_AND_XYZ "SELECT boards.board_id, boards.x, boards.y, boards.z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, machines.machine_name, bmp_serial_id, physical_serial_id, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE machine_name = :machine_name AND x = :x AND y = :y AND z = :z LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String FIND_EXPIRED_JOBS "SELECT job_id FROM jobs WHERE job_state != 4 AND keepalive_timestamp + keepalive_interval < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
    protected static final String FIND_FREE_BOARD "SELECT x, y, z FROM boards WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND may_be_allocated ORDER BY power_off_timestamp ASC LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String FIND_LOCATION "SELECT x, y, z FROM boards WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND boards.board_id = :board_id AND boards.may_be_allocated"
    protected static final String FINISHED_PENDING "DELETE FROM pending_changes WHERE change_id = :change_id"
    protected static final String GET_ALL_BMP_BOARDS "SELECT board_id, board_num, address FROM boards WHERE bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String GET_ALL_BMPS "SELECT bmp_id, machine_name, address, cabinet, frame FROM bmp JOIN machines on bmp.machine_id = machines.machine_id"
    protected static final String GET_ALL_BOARDS "SELECT board_id, x, y, z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND board_num IS NOT NULL ORDER BY z ASC, x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_ALL_BOARDS_OF_ALL_MACHINES "SELECT board_id, x, y, z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE board_num IS NOT NULL ORDER BY z ASC, x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_ALL_MACHINES "SELECT machine_id, machine_name, width, height, in_service FROM machines WHERE in_service OR :allow_out_of_service ORDER BY machine_name ASC"
    protected static final String GET_AVAILABLE_BOARD_NUMBERS "SELECT board_num FROM boards WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND may_be_allocated ORDER BY board_num ASC"
    protected static final String GET_BLACKLIST_READS "SELECT op_id, board_id, board_serial.bmp_serial_id, board_num, cabinet, frame, boards.machine_id FROM blacklist_ops JOIN boards USING (board_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE op = 0 AND NOT completed AND boards.bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String GET_BLACKLIST_WRITES "SELECT op_id, board_id, board_serial.bmp_serial_id, board_num, cabinet, frame, data, boards.machine_id FROM blacklist_ops JOIN boards USING (board_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE op = 1 AND NOT completed AND boards.bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String GET_BLACKLISTED_CHIPS "SELECT chip_x AS x, chip_y AS y, notes FROM blacklisted_chips JOIN board_model_coords USING (coord_id) WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String GET_BLACKLISTED_CORES "SELECT chip_x AS x, chip_y AS y, physical_core AS p, notes FROM blacklisted_cores JOIN board_model_coords USING (coord_id) WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String GET_BLACKLISTED_LINKS "SELECT chip_x AS x, chip_y AS y, direction, notes FROM blacklisted_links JOIN board_model_coords USING (coord_id) WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String GET_BMP_ADDRESS "SELECT address FROM bmp WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND cabinet = :cabinet AND frame = :frame LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_BMP_BOARD_NUMBERS "SELECT board_num FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND cabinet = :cabinet AND frame = :frame AND board_num IS NOT NULL AND (functioning IS NULL OR functioning != 0) ORDER BY board_num ASC"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_ADDRESS "SELECT address FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_BY_COORDS "SELECT board_id FROM boards WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND x = :x AND y = :y AND z = :z AND may_be_allocated LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_CONNECT_INFO "SELECT board_id, address, x, y, z, root_x, root_y FROM boards JOIN jobs ON boards.allocated_job = jobs.job_id WHERE allocated_job = :job_id AND jobs.job_state != 4 ORDER BY x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_JOB "SELECT allocated_job FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_NUMBERS "SELECT board_num FROM boards WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND board_num IS NOT NULL AND (functioning IS NULL OR functioning != 0) ORDER BY board_num ASC"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_POWER_INFO "SELECT board_power, power_off_timestamp, power_on_timestamp FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_BOARD_REPORTS "SELECT board_id, report_id, reported_issue, report_timestamp, user_name AS reporter_name FROM board_reports JOIN user_info ON reporter = user_id WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String GET_CHANGES "SELECT change_id, job_id, pending_changes.board_id, power, fpga_n, fpga_s, fpga_e, fpga_w, fpga_se, fpga_nw, from_state, to_state, board_num, bmp_id, power_off_timestamp FROM pending_changes JOIN boards USING (board_id) WHERE bmp_id = :bmp_id ORDER BY change_id"
    protected static final String GET_COMPLETED_BLACKLIST_OP "SELECT board_id, op, data, failure, failure IS NOT NULL AS failed FROM blacklist_ops WHERE op_id = :op_id AND completed LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_CONSOLIDATION_TARGETS "SELECT job_id, group_id, quota_used FROM jobs_usage WHERE complete AND quota IS NOT NULL"
    protected static final String GET_CURRENT_USAGE "SELECT COALESCE(SUM(quota_used), 0) AS current_usage FROM jobs_usage WHERE group_id = :group_id"
    protected static final String GET_DEAD_BOARDS "SELECT board_id, x, y, z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND (board_num IS NULL OR functioning = 0) ORDER BY z ASC, x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_FUNCTIONING_FIELD "SELECT functioning FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_GROUP_BY_ID "SELECT group_id, group_name, quota, group_type FROM user_groups WHERE group_id = :group_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_GROUP_BY_NAME "SELECT group_id, group_name, quota, group_type FROM user_groups WHERE group_name = :group_name LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_GROUP_BY_NAME_AND_MEMBER "SELECT user_groups.group_id FROM user_groups JOIN group_memberships USING (group_id) JOIN user_info USING (user_id) WHERE user_name = :user_name AND group_name = :group_name LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_GROUP_NAMES_OF_USER "SELECT user_groups.group_name FROM group_memberships JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN user_groups USING (group_id) WHERE user_name = :user_name"
    protected static final String GET_GROUP_QUOTA "SELECT quota FROM user_groups WHERE group_id = :group_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_JOB "SELECT job_id, jobs.machine_id, machines.machine_name, jobs.width, jobs.height, jobs.depth, root_id, job_state, keepalive_timestamp, keepalive_host, keepalive_interval, create_timestamp, death_reason, death_timestamp, original_request, user_info.user_name AS owner FROM jobs JOIN user_info ON jobs.owner = user_info.user_id JOIN machines USING (machine_id) WHERE job_id = :job_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_BOARD_COORDS "SELECT board_id, x, y, z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.allocated_job = :job_id ORDER BY z ASC, x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_BOARDS "SELECT board_id, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN jobs ON boards.allocated_job = jobs.job_id WHERE boards.allocated_job = :job_id"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_CHIP_DIMENSIONS "WITH b AS (SELECT * FROM boards WHERE allocated_job = :job_id), c AS (SELECT root_x + chip_x AS x, root_y + chip_y AS y FROM b JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN board_model_coords ON machines.board_model = board_model_coords.model) SELECT MAX(x) - MIN(x) + 1 AS width, MAX(y) - MIN(y) + 1 AS height FROM c LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_IDS "SELECT job_id, machine_id, job_state, keepalive_timestamp FROM jobs ORDER BY job_id DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_NMPI_JOB "SELECT nmpi_job_id, quota_units FROM job_nmpi_job WHERE job_id=:job_id"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_SESSION "SELECT session_id, quota_units FROM job_nmpi_session WHERE job_id=:job_id"
    protected static final String GET_JOB_USAGE_AND_QUOTA "SELECT quota_used, quota FROM jobs_usage WHERE job_id = :job_id AND quota_used IS NOT NULL AND quota IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_LIVE_BOARDS "SELECT board_id, x, y, z, bmp.cabinet, bmp.frame, board_num, boards.address, bmp_id, boards.machine_id FROM boards JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND board_num IS NOT NULL AND functioning = 1 ORDER BY z ASC, x ASC, y ASC"
    protected static final String GET_LIVE_JOB_IDS "SELECT job_id, machine_id, job_state, keepalive_timestamp FROM jobs WHERE job_state != 4 ORDER BY job_id DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset"
    protected static final String GET_LOCAL_USER_DETAILS "SELECT user_id, user_name, encrypted_password FROM user_info WHERE user_name = :user_name AND is_internal LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_MACHINE_BY_ID "SELECT machine_id, machine_name, width, height, in_service FROM machines WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND (in_service OR :allow_out_of_service) LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_MACHINE_JOBS "SELECT job_id, user_info.user_name AS owner_name FROM jobs JOIN user_info ON jobs.owner = user_info.user_id WHERE machine_id = :machine_id AND job_state != 4 ORDER BY job_id ASC"
    protected static final String GET_MACHINE_REPORTS "SELECT board_id, report_id, reported_issue, report_timestamp, user_name AS reporter_name FROM board_reports JOIN user_info ON reporter = user_id JOIN boards USING (board_id) WHERE machine_id = :machine_id ORDER BY board_id, report_id"
    protected static final String GET_MACHINE_WRAPS "WITH linked AS (SELECT b1.machine_id, b1.x AS x1, b1.y AS y1, b2.x AS x2, b2.y AS y2 FROM links JOIN boards AS b1 ON links.board_1 = b1.board_id JOIN boards AS b2 ON links.board_2 = b2.board_id) SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM linked WHERE linked.machine_id = machines.machine_id AND ((linked.x1 = 0 AND linked.x2 = machines.width - 1) OR (linked.x2 = 0 AND linked.x1 = machines.width - 1))) AS horizontal_wrap, EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM linked WHERE linked.machine_id = machines.machine_id AND ((linked.y1 = 0 AND linked.y2 = machines.height - 1) OR (linked.y2 = 0 AND linked.y1 = machines.height - 1))) AS vertical_wrap FROM machines WHERE machine_id = :machine_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_MEMBERSHIP "SELECT membership_id, user_info.user_id, user_groups.group_id, user_name, group_name FROM group_memberships JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN user_groups USING (group_id) WHERE membership_id = :membership_id"
    protected static final String GET_MEMBERSHIPS_OF_USER "SELECT membership_id, user_info.user_id, user_groups.group_id, user_name, group_name FROM group_memberships JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN user_groups USING (group_id) WHERE group_memberships.user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String GET_NAMED_MACHINE "SELECT machine_id, machine_name, width, height, in_service FROM machines WHERE machine_name = :machine_name AND (in_service OR :allow_out_of_service) LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_ROOT_BMP_ADDRESS "SELECT bmp.address FROM bmp JOIN boards USING (bmp_id) WHERE boards.machine_id = :machine_id AND boards.x = 0 AND boards.y = 0 LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_ROOT_COORDS "SELECT x, y, z, root_x, root_y FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_ROOT_OF_BOARD "SELECT root_x, root_y FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_SERIAL_INFO_REQS "SELECT op_id, board_id, board_serial.bmp_serial_id, board_num, cabinet, frame, boards.machine_id FROM blacklist_ops JOIN boards USING (board_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE op = 2 AND NOT completed AND boards.bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String GET_SUM_BOARDS_POWERED "SELECT COALESCE(sum(board_power), 0) AS total_on FROM boards WHERE allocated_job = :job_id"
    protected static final String GET_TAGS "SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE machine_id = :machine_id"
    protected static final String GET_TEMP_INFO_REQS "SELECT op_id, board_id, board_serial.bmp_serial_id, board_num, cabinet, frame, boards.machine_id FROM blacklist_ops JOIN boards USING (board_id) JOIN bmp USING (bmp_id) LEFT JOIN board_serial USING (board_id) WHERE op = 3 AND NOT completed AND boards.bmp_id = :bmp_id"
    protected static final String GET_USER_AUTHORITIES "SELECT trust_level, encrypted_password, openid_subject FROM user_info WHERE user_id = :user_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_USER_DETAILS "SELECT user_id, user_name, encrypted_password IS NOT NULL AS has_password, trust_level, locked, disabled, last_successful_login_timestamp, last_fail_timestamp, openid_subject, is_internal FROM user_info WHERE user_id = :user_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_USER_DETAILS_BY_NAME "SELECT user_id, user_name, encrypted_password IS NOT NULL AS has_password, trust_level, locked, disabled, last_successful_login_timestamp, last_fail_timestamp, openid_subject, is_internal FROM user_info WHERE user_name = :user_name LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_USER_DETAILS_BY_SUBJECT "SELECT user_id, user_name, encrypted_password IS NOT NULL AS has_password, trust_level, locked, disabled, last_successful_login_timestamp, last_fail_timestamp, openid_subject, is_internal FROM user_info WHERE openid_subject = :openid_subject LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_USER_ID "SELECT user_id FROM user_info WHERE user_name = :user_name LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String GET_USER_QUOTA "SELECT SUM(quota) AS quota_total, quotas.user_id FROM quotas JOIN user_info USING (user_id) WHERE user_info.user_name = :user_name AND user_id IS NOT NULL"
    protected static final String GET_USERS_OF_GROUP "SELECT membership_id, user_groups.group_id, user_groups.group_name, user_info.user_id, user_info.user_name FROM group_memberships JOIN user_info USING (user_id) JOIN user_groups USING (group_id) WHERE group_id = :group_id"
    protected static final String GROUP_SYNC_ADD_GROUPS "INSERT IGNORE INTO group_memberships(user_id, group_id) SELECT :user_id AS user_id, group_id FROM usergroupids"
    protected static final String GROUP_SYNC_DROP_TEMP_TABLE "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE usergroupids"
    protected static final String GROUP_SYNC_INSERT_TEMP_ROW "INSERT INTO usergroupids SELECT group_id FROM user_groups WHERE group_name = :group_name AND group_type = :group_type"
    protected static final String GROUP_SYNC_MAKE_TEMP_TABLE "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE usergroupids(group_id INTEGER)"
    protected static final String GROUP_SYNC_REMOVE_GROUPS "DELETE FROM group_memberships WHERE user_id = :user_id AND group_id NOT IN (SELECT group_id FROM usergroupids)"
    protected static final String INSERT_BMP "INSERT INTO bmp(machine_id, address, cabinet, frame) VALUES(:machine_id, :address, :cabinet, :frame)"
    protected static final String INSERT_BOARD "INSERT INTO boards(machine_id, address, bmp_id, board_num, x, y, z, root_x, root_y, functioning) VALUES(:machine_id, :address, :bmp_id, :board_num, :x, :y, :z, :root_x, :root_y, :enabled)"
    protected static final String INSERT_BOARD_REPORT "INSERT INTO board_reports(board_id, job_id, reported_issue, reporter, report_timestamp) VALUES(:board_id, :job_id, :issue, :user_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"
    protected static final String INSERT_JOB "INSERT INTO jobs(machine_id, owner, group_id, keepalive_interval, original_request, keepalive_timestamp, create_timestamp, job_state) VALUES(:machine_id, :user_id, :group_id, :keepalive_interval, :original_request, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 1)"
    protected static final String INSERT_LINK "INSERT IGNORE INTO links(board_1, dir_1, board_2, dir_2, live) VALUES (:board_1, :dir_1, :board_2, :dir_2, :live)"
    protected static final String INSERT_MACHINE_SPINN_5 "INSERT INTO machines(machine_name, width, height, depth, board_model) VALUES(:name, :width, :height, :depth, 5)"
    protected static final String INSERT_REQ_BOARD "INSERT INTO job_request(job_id, board_id, priority) VALUES (:job_id, :board_id, :priority)"
    protected static final String INSERT_REQ_N_BOARDS "INSERT INTO job_request(job_id, num_boards, max_dead_boards, priority) VALUES (:job_id, :num_boards, :max_dead_boards, :priority)"
    protected static final String INSERT_REQ_SIZE "INSERT INTO job_request(job_id, width, height, max_dead_boards, priority) VALUES (:job_id, :width, :height, :max_dead_boards, :priority)"
    protected static final String INSERT_REQ_SIZE_BOARD "INSERT INTO job_request(job_id, board_id, width, height, max_dead_boards, priority) VALUES(:job_id, :board_id, :width, :height, :max_dead_boards,:priority)"
    protected static final String INSERT_TAG "INSERT INTO tags(machine_id, tag) VALUES(:machine_id, :tag)"
    protected static final String IS_BOARD_BLACKLIST_CURRENT "SELECT blacklist_sync_timestamp >= blacklist_set_timestamp AS current FROM boards WHERE board_id = :board_id LIMIT 1"
    protected static final String IS_USER_LOCKED "SELECT user_id, locked, disabled FROM user_info WHERE user_name = :username"
    protected static final String KILL_JOB_ALLOC_TASK "DELETE FROM job_request WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String LIST_ALL_GROUPS "SELECT group_id, group_name, quota, group_type FROM user_groups"
    protected static final String LIST_ALL_GROUPS_OF_TYPE "SELECT group_id, group_name, quota, group_type FROM user_groups WHERE group_type = :type"
    protected static final String LIST_ALL_USERS "SELECT user_id, user_name, openid_subject FROM user_info"
    protected static final String LIST_ALL_USERS_OF_TYPE "SELECT user_id, user_name, openid_subject FROM user_info WHERE is_internal = :internal"
    protected static final String LIST_LIVE_JOBS "SELECT job_id, jobs.machine_id, create_timestamp, keepalive_interval, job_state, allocation_size, keepalive_host, user_name, machines.machine_name, original_request FROM jobs JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN user_info ON jobs.owner = user_info.user_id WHERE job_state != 4"
    protected static final String LIST_MACHINE_NAMES "SELECT machine_name, in_service FROM machines WHERE in_service OR :allow_out_of_service ORDER BY machine_name ASC"
    protected static final String LOAD_DIR_INFO "SELECT z, direction, dx, dy, dz FROM movement_directions"
    protected static final String MARK_BOARD_BLACKLIST_CHANGED "UPDATE boards SET blacklist_set_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String MARK_BOARD_BLACKLIST_SYNCHED "UPDATE boards SET blacklist_sync_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String MARK_CONSOLIDATED "UPDATE jobs SET accounted_for = 1 WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String MARK_LOGIN_FAILURE "UPDATE user_info SET failure_count = failure_count + 1, last_fail_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), locked = (failure_count + 1 >= :failure_limit) WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String MARK_LOGIN_SUCCESS "UPDATE user_info SET last_successful_login_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), failure_count = 0, openid_subject = :openid_subject WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String NOTE_DESTROY_REASON "UPDATE jobs SET death_reason = :death_reason WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String READ_HISTORICAL_ALLOCS "SELECT\talloc_id, job_id, board_id, alloc_timestamp FROM old_board_allocations JOIN jobs USING (job_id) WHERE jobs.death_timestamp + :grace_period < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
    protected static final String READ_HISTORICAL_JOBS "SELECT job_id, machine_id, owner, create_timestamp, jobs.width as width, jobs.height as height, jobs.depth as depth,allocated_root, keepalive_interval, keepalive_host, death_reason, death_timestamp, original_request, allocation_timestamp, allocation_size, machine_name, user_name, group_id, group_name, job_nmpi_job.nmpi_job_id as nmpi_job_id, job_nmpi_session.session_id as nmpi_session_id FROM jobs JOIN user_groups USING (group_id) JOIN machines USING (machine_id) JOIN user_info ON jobs.owner = user_info.user_id LEFT JOIN job_nmpi_job USING (job_id) LEFT JOIN job_nmpi_session USING (job_id) WHERE death_timestamp + :grace_period < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"
    protected static final String REMOVE_USER_FROM_GROUP "DELETE FROM group_memberships WHERE user_id = :user_id AND group_id = :group_id"
    protected static final String SET_BOARD_POWER_OFF "UPDATE boards SET board_power = 0, power_off_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String SET_BOARD_POWER_ON "UPDATE boards SET board_power = 1, power_on_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String SET_BOARD_SERIAL_IDS "INSERT INTO board_serial(board_id, bmp_serial_id, physical_serial_id) VALUES(:board_id, :bmp_serial_id, :physical_serial_id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE bmp_serial_id = VALUES(bmp_serial_id), physical_serial_id = VALUES(physical_serial_id)"
    protected static final String SET_COLLAB_QUOTA "UPDATE user_groups SET quota = GREATEST(0, :new_quota) WHERE group_name = :group_name AND quota IS NOT NULL"
    protected static final String SET_FUNCTIONING_FIELD "UPDATE boards SET functioning = :enabled WHERE board_id = :board_id"
    protected static final String SET_JOB_NMPI_JOB "INSERT IGNORE INTO job_nmpi_job ( job_id, nmpi_job_id, quota_units) VALUES(:job_id, :nmpi_job_id, :quota_units)"
    protected static final String SET_JOB_SESSION "INSERT IGNORE INTO job_nmpi_session ( job_id, session_id, quota_units) VALUES(:job_id, :session_id, :quota_units)"
    protected static final String SET_MACHINE_STATE "UPDATE machines SET in_service = :in_service WHERE machine_name = :machine_name"
    protected static final String SET_MAX_COORDS "UPDATE machines SET max_chip_x = :max_x, max_chip_y = :max_y WHERE machine_id = :machine_id"
    protected static final String SET_STATE_DESTROYED "UPDATE jobs SET job_state = 4, death_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String SET_STATE_PENDING "UPDATE jobs SET job_state = :job_state WHERE job_id = :job_id"
    protected static final String SET_USER_DISABLED "UPDATE user_info SET disabled = :disabled WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String SET_USER_LOCKED "UPDATE user_info SET locked = :locked WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String SET_USER_NAME "UPDATE user_info SET user_name = :user_name WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String SET_USER_PASS "UPDATE user_info SET encrypted_password = :password WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String SET_USER_TRUST "UPDATE user_info SET trust_level = :trust WHERE user_id = :user_id"
    protected static final String UNLOCK_LOCKED_USERS "UPDATE user_info SET failure_count = 0, last_fail_timestamp = 0, locked = 0 WHERE last_fail_timestamp + :lock_interval < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND locked"
    protected static final String UPDATE_GROUP "UPDATE user_groups SET group_name = COALESCE(:group_name, group_name), quota = :quota WHERE group_id = :group_id "
    protected static final String UPDATE_KEEPALIVE "UPDATE jobs SET keepalive_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), keepalive_host = :keepalive_host WHERE job_id = :job_id AND job_state != 4"
    protected static final String WRITE_HISTORICAL_ALLOCS "INSERT IGNORE INTO board_allocations( alloc_id, job_id, board_id, allocation_timestamp) VALUES(:alloc_id, :job_id, :board_id, :allocation_timestamp)"
    protected static final String WRITE_HISTORICAL_JOBS "INSERT IGNORE INTO jobs( job_id, machine_id, owner, create_timestamp, width, height, depth, root_id, keepalive_interval, keepalive_host, death_reason, death_timestamp, original_request, allocation_timestamp, allocation_size, machine_name, owner_name, group_id, group_name, nmpi_job_id, nmpi_session_id) VALUES(:job_id, :machine_id, :owner, :create_timestamp, :width, :height, :depth, :root_id, :keepalive_interval, :keepalive_host, :death_reason, :death_timestamp, :original_request, :allocation_timestamp, :allocation_size, :machine_name, :owner_name, :group_id, :group_name, :nmpi_job_id, :nmpi_session_id)"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final String PATH "proxy/{id:\\d+}"
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int SIZE 12
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int NOT_SET -1
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MAX_BOARD_NUMBER 23
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int DESTROYED 4
    public static final int POWER 2
    public static final int QUEUED 1
    public static final int READY 3
    public static final int UNKNOWN 0
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MAX_TCP_PORT 65535
    public static final int MIN_TCP_PORT 1024
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int MAX_UDP_PORT 65535
    public static final int MIN_UDP_PORT 1024