Class SpallocProperties.AllocatorProperties

Enclosing class:

public static class SpallocProperties.AllocatorProperties
extends Object
Configuration of the main resource allocation engine.
  • Constructor Details

    • AllocatorProperties

      public AllocatorProperties​(@DefaultValue("5s") Duration period, @DefaultValue("10000") int importanceSpan, @DefaultValue SpallocProperties.PriorityScale priorityScale, @DefaultValue("2") int reportActionThreshold, @DefaultValue("") String systemReportUser)
      period - Time between runs of the main allocation algorithm.
      importanceSpan - Maximum span of job importance that will be allocated at once. Priority is the rate at which importance is accrued.
      priorityScale - Properties relating to job priority scaling.
      reportActionThreshold - Number of reports of board problems at which the board is taken out of service.
      systemReportUser - Name of user that system-generated reports are done by.
  • Method Details

    • getPeriod

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getPeriod()
      Time between runs of the main allocation algorithm.
      Time between runs of the main allocation algorithm.
    • getImportanceSpan

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getImportanceSpan()
      Maximum span of job importance that will be allocated at once. Priority is the rate at which importance is accrued.
      Maximum importance span for considered jobs for a particular run of the allocator algorithm.
    • getPriorityScale

      Properties relating to job priority scaling.
      Properties relating to job priority scaling.
    • getReportActionThreshold

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getReportActionThreshold()
      Number of reports of board problems at which the board is taken out of service.
    • getSystemReportUser

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getSystemReportUser()
      Name of user that system-generated reports are done by.