Class SpallocProperties.AuthProperties

Enclosing class:

public static class SpallocProperties.AuthProperties
extends Object
Authentication and authorization configuration.
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthProperties

      public AuthProperties​(@DefaultValue("true") boolean basic, @DefaultValue("SpallocService") String realm, @DefaultValue("true") boolean localForm, @DefaultValue("false") boolean addDummyUser, @DefaultValue("true") boolean dummyRandomPass, @DefaultValue("wheel") String systemGroup, @DefaultValue("false") boolean debugFailures, @DefaultValue("3") int maxLoginFailures, @DefaultValue("24h") Duration accountLockDuration, @DefaultValue("60s") Duration unlockPeriod, @DefaultValue SpallocProperties.OpenIDProperties openid)
      basic - Whether to enable HTTP BASIC authentication. Useful for simple clients.
      realm - The authentication realm. Must not contain quote characters!
      localForm - Whether to enable HTTP form+session authentication. Much faster than BASIC, but requires a more complex client. You must enable this if you are supporting the Web UI.
      addDummyUser - Force a known local admin user to exist with a known (by default) password.
      dummyRandomPass - Whether to generate a random password for the above user. If so, the password will be written to the log.
      systemGroup - The name of the system default group. Only made if the dummy user is made.
      debugFailures - Provide extra information to callers on auth failures.
      maxLoginFailures - Number of login failures before automatic lock-out.
      accountLockDuration - Length of time that automatic lock-out lasts.
      unlockPeriod - How often do we look for users to end their lock-out?
      openid - OpenID-related security properties. Required for allowing people to use HBP/EBRAINS identities.
  • Method Details

    • isBasic

      public boolean isBasic()
      Whether to enable HTTP BASIC authentication. Useful for simple clients; not great with browsers.
      Whether to enable HTTP BASIC authentication.
    • getRealm

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getRealm()
      The authentication realm. Must not contain quote characters!
      the realm.
    • isLocalForm

      public boolean isLocalForm()
      Whether to enable HTTP form+session authentication. Much faster than BASIC, but requires a more complex client. You must enable this if you are supporting the Web UI.
      Whether to enable HTTP form+session authentication.
    • isAddDummyUser

      public boolean isAddDummyUser()
      Force a known local admin user to exist with a known password.
    • isDummyRandomPass

      public boolean isDummyRandomPass()
      Whether to generate a random password for the default admin user. If so, the password will be written to the log.
      Whether to generate a random password for the default admin user.
    • getSystemGroup

      public String getSystemGroup()
      The name of the system default group, that is internal and has no quota (initially). Only made if the dummy user is made.
      the name of the system group
    • isDebugFailures

      public boolean isDebugFailures()
      Provide extra information to callers on auth failures.
    • getMaxLoginFailures

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getMaxLoginFailures()
      Number of login failures before automatic lock-out.
    • getAccountLockDuration

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getAccountLockDuration()
      Length of time that automatic lock-out lasts.
    • getUnlockPeriod

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getUnlockPeriod()
      How often do we look for users to end their lock-out?
      How often do we look for users to end their lock-out?
    • getOpenid

      OpenID-related security properties. Required for allowing people to use HBP/EBRAINS identities.
      OpenID-related security properties.