Class SpallocProperties.TxrxProperties

Enclosing class:

public static class SpallocProperties.TxrxProperties
extends Object
Controls how Spalloc talks to BMPs on machines.
  • Constructor Details

    • TxrxProperties

      public TxrxProperties​(@DefaultValue("10s") Duration period, @DefaultValue("15s") Duration probeInterval, @DefaultValue("2") int powerAttempts, @DefaultValue("3") int fpgaAttempts, @DefaultValue("false") boolean fpgaReload, @DefaultValue("5") int buildAttempts, @DefaultValue("false") boolean dummy, @DefaultValue("30s") Duration offWaitTime)
      period - How long between when we send requests to the BMP control tasks.
      probeInterval - The basic wait time used by the BMP control tasks.
      powerAttempts - Number of attempts that will be made to switch on a board.
      fpgaAttempts - Number of attempts that will be made to bring up an FPGA.
      fpgaReload - Whether to reload the FPGA bitfiles when they don't come up correctly.
      buildAttempts - Number of attempts that will be made to bring up a transceiver, provided the failures are due to timeouts and not outright network errors. Note that a failure to bring up a transceiver is lethal to the service.
      dummy - Whether to use a dummy transceiver. Useful for testing only.
      offWaitTime - How long to wait between powering off and powering on a board.
  • Method Details

    • getPeriod

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getPeriod()
      How long between when we send requests to the BMP control tasks.
      How long between when we send requests to the BMP control tasks.
    • getProbeInterval

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getProbeInterval()
      The basic wait time used by the BMP control tasks.
    • getOffWaitTime

      @NotNull public @NotNull Duration getOffWaitTime()
    • getPowerAttempts

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getPowerAttempts()
      Number of attempts that will be made to switch on a board.
    • getFpgaAttempts

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getFpgaAttempts()
      Number of attempts that will be made to bring up an FPGA.
    • isFpgaReload

      public boolean isFpgaReload()
      Whether to reload the FPGA bitfiles when they don't come up correctly.
    • getBuildAttempts

      @Positive public @javax.validation.constraints.Positive int getBuildAttempts()
      Number of attempts that will be made to bring up a transceiver, provided the failures are due to timeouts and not outright network errors. Note that a failure to bring up a transceiver is lethal to the service.
      Number of attempts that will be made to bring up a transceiver.
    • isDummy

      public boolean isDummy()
      Useful for testing only.
      Whether to use a dummy transceiver.