Interface SpallocAPI.BoardLocation

Enclosing interface:

public static interface SpallocAPI.BoardLocation
Describes the locations of boards in a machine. Note that instances of this class are expected to be fully instantiated; reading from them will not touch the database.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Details

    • getBoardChip

      ChipLocation getBoardChip()
      Get the location of the characteristic chip of a board. This is usually the root chip of the board.
      chip location, in global (whole machine) coordinates
    • getChipRelativeTo

      ChipLocation getChipRelativeTo​(@NotNull @NotNull ChipLocation rootChip)
      Get the location of this board location relative to another global location (the global location of the root chip of an allocation).
      rootChip - The global location of the root chip of an allocation that we are converting this board location to be relative to.
      chip location, in relative (single job) coordinates
    • getMachine

      String getMachine()
      What machine is the board on?
      name of machine
    • getLogical

      BoardCoordinates getLogical()
      Where is the board logically within its machine?
      a triad location descriptor
    • getPhysical

      Where is the board physically in its machine?
      a cabinet/frame/board triple
    • getChip

      ChipLocation getChip()
      Where is the chip of interest? Usually the root chip of the board.
      a chip location, in global (whole machine) coordinates
    • getJob

      SpallocAPI.Job getJob()
      What job is the board allocated to? May be null for an unallocated board.
      a limited version of a job.