Interface SpallocAPI.Waitable

All Known Subinterfaces:
SpallocAPI.Job, SpallocAPI.Jobs, SpallocAPI.Machine
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SpallocAPI.Waitable
A thing that may be waited upon.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean waitForChange​(@NotNull Duration timeout)
    Wait for the object to (maybe) change, or for the timeout to expire.
  • Method Details

    • waitForChange

      boolean waitForChange​(@NotNull @NotNull Duration timeout)
      Wait for the object to (maybe) change, or for the timeout to expire. This is a best-effort method.

      This method does not throw InterruptedException; on interruption, it simply returns early (but the interrupted status of the thread is set).

      timeout - How long to wait.
      True if the wait was interrupted, False if the timeout expired