Uses of Package
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Java client for the SpiNNaker allocation service.
Classes in used by Class Description AllocatedMachine A description of what boards have been allocated to a job.AllocatedMachine.ConnectionInfo Information about a connection to a board.BoardCoords Generalised coordinates of a board.CreateJob A request to create a job.CreateJob.Dimensions Used when asking for a rectangle of boards.CreateJob.SpecificBoard Used when asking for a specific board.DeadLink Describes a dead or administratively disabled link.DeadLink.End One end of a dead link.Direction Link directions of a board.JobDescription Describes a job.SpallocClient An API for talking to the Spalloc service.SpallocClient.Job The services offered relating to a Spalloc job.SpallocClient.Machine The services offered relating to a Spalloc machine.State States that a job might be in.WhereIs A description of where a board is and what it is doing.