Interface LocalAuthenticationProvider<TestAPI>

Type Parameters:
TestAPI - The type of the test interface. Not important for non-test purposes.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LocalAuthenticationProvider<TestAPI>
extends AuthenticationProvider
Locally-defined authentication providers include the capability to create users.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Details

    • createUser

      @PreAuthorize("hasRole(\'ADMIN\')") boolean createUser​(String username, String password, TrustLevel trustLevel)
      Create a user. Only admins can create users.
      username - The user name to use.
      password - The unencoded password to use.
      trustLevel - How much is the user trusted.
      True if the user was created, false if the user already existed.
    • unlockLockedUsers

      void unlockLockedUsers()
      Unlock any locked users whose lock period has expired.
    • updateAuthentication

      Authentication updateAuthentication​(HttpServletRequest req, SecurityContext ctx)
      Convert the type of the authentication in the security context.
      req - The request being made.
      ctx - The security context.
      The new authentication (which is also installed into the security context), or null if the authentication is not changed.
    • mapAuthorities

      void mapAuthorities​(OidcUserAuthority authority, Collection<GrantedAuthority> resultCollection)
      Map the authorities, adding them to the result.
      authority - The overall authority to map.
      resultCollection - Where to add the authorities.