
public final class Permit
extends Object
Encodes what a user is permitted to do. Abstracts over several types of security context.
  • Field Details

    • admin

      public final boolean admin
      Is the user an admin?
    • nmpiexec

      public final boolean nmpiexec
      Is the user an nmpi exec user?
    • name

      public final String name
      What is the name of the user?
  • Constructor Details

    • Permit

      public Permit​(SecurityContext context)
      Build a permit.
      context - The originating security context.
    • Permit

      public Permit​(SecurityContext context)
      Build a permit.
      context - The originating security context.
    • Permit

      public Permit​(String serviceUser)
      Build a permit for a service user. The service user can create jobs and read job details, but cannot do much with jobs owned by other users. Only used by the legacy interface.
      serviceUser - The user name. Must exist in order to be actually used.
    • Permit

      public Permit​(WebSocketSession session)
      The permit used for web socket handling. Note that websockets never have access to admin facilities (and shouldn't ever need them), even if their creating user does.
      session - The originating websocket context.
  • Method Details

    • unveilFor

      public boolean unveilFor​(String owner)
      Can something owned by a given user can be shown to the user that this permit is for?
      owner - The owner of the object.
      True exactly if the object (or subset of properties) may be shown.
    • authorize

      public <T> T authorize​(Supplier<T> inContext)
      Push our special temporary authentication object for the duration of the inner code. Used to satisfy Spring method security.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the result
      inContext - The inner code to run with an authentication object applied.
      Whatever the inner code returns