Class VirtualMachine

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Chip>, MappableIterable<Chip>

public class VirtualMachine
extends Machine
A representation of a SpiNNaker Machine with a number of Chips. This machine is one that has been constructed to model the real world, but which is not actually based truly on real-world data.
See Also:
Python Version
  • Constructor Details

    • VirtualMachine

      public VirtualMachine​(MachineDimensions machineDimensions, Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,​Set<Integer>> ignoreCores, Map<ChipLocation,​EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
      Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions.
      machineDimensions - Size of the machine along the X and Y axes, in chips.
      ignoreChips - A set of chips to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these chips excluded, as if they never existed. The processor IDs of the specified chips are ignored. May be null.
      ignoreCores - A map of cores to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these cores excluded, as if they never existed. May be null.
      ignoreLinks - A set of links to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these links excluded, as if they never existed. May be null.
    • VirtualMachine

      public VirtualMachine​(MachineDimensions machineDimensions)
      Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions with no ignores.
      machineDimensions - Size of the machine along the X and Y axes, in chips.
    • VirtualMachine

      public VirtualMachine​(MachineVersion version)
      Creates a virtual machine based on the given machine version.
      version - A version which specifies fixed size.