Class VirtualMachine
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class VirtualMachine extends Machine
A representation of a SpiNNaker Machine with a number of
s. This
machine is one that has been constructed to model the real world, but which
is not actually based truly on real-world data.- Author:
- Christian-B
- See Also:
- Python Version
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
boot, machineDimensions, version
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description VirtualMachine(MachineDimensions machineDimensions)
Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions with no ignores.VirtualMachine(MachineDimensions machineDimensions, Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,Set<Integer>> ignoreCores, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions.VirtualMachine(MachineVersion version)
Creates a virtual machine based on the given machine version. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
addChip, addChips, addFpgaLinks, addSpinnakerLinks, bootChip, chipCoordinates, chipLocationDifference, chips, chipsMap, coresAndLinkOutputString, difference, equals, ethernetConnectedChips, findAbnormalChips, findAbnormalLinks, getBootEthernetAddress, getBootSpinnakerLink, getChipAt, getChipAt, getChipAt, getChipOverLink, getFpgaLink, getFpgaLinks, getFpgaLinks, getLocationOverLink, getSpinnakerLink, hasChipAt, hasChipAt, hasChipAt, hashCode, hasInverseLinkAt, hasLinkAt, iterator, iterChipsOnBoard, maxChipX, maxChipY, maximumUserCoresOnChip, nChips, normalizedLocation, normalizedLocation, normalizedMove, rebuild, rebuild, spinnakerLinks, toString, totalAvailableUserCores, totalCores
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
filter, first, first, map, nth, toCollectingMap, toCollectingMap, toCollectingMap, toCollectingMap, toList, toList, toMap, toMap, toSet, toSet
Constructor Details
public VirtualMachine(MachineDimensions machineDimensions, Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,Set<Integer>> ignoreCores, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions.- Parameters:
- Size of the machine along the X and Y axes, in chips.ignoreChips
- A set of chips to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these chips excluded, as if they never existed. The processor IDs of the specified chips are ignored. May benull
- A map of cores to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these cores excluded, as if they never existed. May benull
- A set of links to ignore in the machine. Requests for a "machine" will have these links excluded, as if they never existed. May benull
Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions with no ignores.- Parameters:
- Size of the machine along the X and Y axes, in chips.
Creates a virtual machine based on the given machine version.- Parameters:
- A version which specifies fixed size.