Class MachineBean


public class MachineBean
extends Object
Used to build a Machine from JSON.
  • Constructor Details

    • MachineBean

      public MachineBean​(int height, int width, ChipLocation root, ChipResources ethernetResources, ChipResources standardResources, List<ChipBean> chips)
      Make an instance.
      height - The height of the Machine in Chips
      width - The width of the Machine in Chips
      root - The Root Chip. (Typically 0,0)
      ethernetResources - The resource values shared by all chips that have an ip_address, expect when overwritten by the Chip itself.
      standardResources - The resource values shared by all chips that do not have an ip_address, expect when overwritten by the Chip itself.
      chips - Beans for each Chips on the machine.
  • Method Details