Class BootMessages


public class BootMessages
extends Object
Represents a set of boot messages to be sent to boot the board.
  • Constructor Details

    • BootMessages

      public BootMessages()
      Builds the boot messages needed to boot the SpiNNaker machine.
    • BootMessages

      public BootMessages​(MachineVersion boardVersion)
      Builds the boot messages needed to boot the SpiNNaker machine.
      boardVersion - The version of the board to be booted
    • BootMessages

      public BootMessages​(Map<SystemVariableDefinition,​Object> extraBootValues)
      Builds the boot messages needed to boot the SpiNNaker machine.
      extraBootValues - Any additional values to be set during boot
    • BootMessages

      public BootMessages​(MachineVersion boardVersion, Map<SystemVariableDefinition,​Object> extraBootValues)
      Builds the boot messages needed to boot the SpiNNaker machine.
      boardVersion - The version of the board to be booted
      extraBootValues - Any additional values to be set during boot
  • Method Details