The messages of the EIEIO protocol.
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractDataElement A marker interface for possible data elements in the EIEIO data packet.EIEIOCommand Describes a class that can be a command identifier for an EIEIO command message.EIEIOHeader Marker interface for headers in EIEIO.EIEIOMessage<Header extends EIEIOHeader> An EIEIO message's basic operations.EIEIOMessageHandler Handles a message received from an EIEIO connection. -
Class Summary Class Description CustomEIEIOCommand A non-standard EIEIO command.EIEIOCommandMessage An EIEIO message containing a command.EIEIOCommandMessage.Header EIEIO header for command packets.EIEIODataMessage An EIEIO message containing data.EIEIODataMessage.Header EIEIO header for data packets.EIEIOMessageFactory Main interface for deserialising a message.EventStopRequest Packet used for the buffering input technique which causes the parser of the input packet to terminate its execution.HostDataRead Packet sent by the host computer to the SpiNNaker system in the context of the buffering output technique to signal that the host has completed reading data from the output buffer, and that such space can be considered free to use again.HostDataReadAck Packet sent by the host computer to the SpiNNaker system in the context of the buffering output technique to signal that the host has received a request to read data.HostSendSequencedData Packet sent from the host to the SpiNNaker system in the context of buffering input mechanism to identify packet which needs to be stored in memory for future use.KeyDataElement A data element that contains just a key.KeyPayloadDataElement A data element that contains a key and a payload.PaddingRequest Packet used to pad space in the buffering area, if needed.SpinnakerRequestBuffers Message used in the context of the buffering input mechanism which is sent by the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to ask for more data to inject during the simulation.SpinnakerRequestReadData Message used in the context of the buffering output mechanism which is sent from the SpiNNaker system to the host computer to signal that some data is available to be read.StartRequests Packet used in the context of buffering input for the host computer to signal to the SpiNNaker system that, if needed, it is possible to send more "SpinnakerRequestBuffers" packet.StopRequests Packet used in the context of buffering input for the host computer to signal to the SpiNNaker system that to stop sending "SpinnakerRequestBuffers" packet. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EIEIOCommandID What SpiNNaker-specific EIEIO commands there are.EIEIOPrefix Possible prefixing of keys in EIEIO packets.EIEIOType Possible types of EIEIO packets.