Class ChipSummaryInfo


public final class ChipSummaryInfo
extends Object
Represents the chip summary information read via an SCP command.
  • Field Details

    • coreStates

      public final List<CPUState> coreStates
      The state of the cores on the chip (list of one per core).
    • ethernetIPAddress

      public final InetAddress ethernetIPAddress
      The IP address of the Ethernet if up, or null if not.
    • isEthernetAvailable

      public final boolean isEthernetAvailable
      Determines if the Ethernet connection is available on this chip.
    • largestFreeSDRAMBlock

      public final int largestFreeSDRAMBlock
      The size of the largest block of free SDRAM in bytes.
    • largestFreeSRAMBlock

      public final int largestFreeSRAMBlock
      The size of the largest block of free SRAM in bytes.
    • numCores

      public final int numCores
      The number of cores working on the chip (including monitors).
    • numFreeMulticastRoutingEntries

      public final int numFreeMulticastRoutingEntries
      The number of multicast routing entries free on this chip.
    • nearestEthernetChip

      public final ChipLocation nearestEthernetChip
      The location of the nearest Ethernet chip.
    • workingLinks

      public final Set<Direction> workingLinks
      The IDs of the working links outgoing from this chip.
    • chip

      public final HasChipLocation chip
      The chip that this data is from.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChipSummaryInfo

      public ChipSummaryInfo​(ByteBuffer buffer, HasChipLocation source)
      buffer - The data from the SCP response
      source - The coordinates of the chip that this data is from