Class FloodFillEnd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class FloodFillEnd
extends SCPRequest<EmptyResponse>
A request to finish a flood fill of data across all cores and launch the application. There is no response payload.

Handled ultimately by nn_cmd_ffe() in scamp-nn.c.

  • Constructor Details

    • FloodFillEnd

      public FloodFillEnd​(byte nearestNeighbourID)
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
    • FloodFillEnd

      public FloodFillEnd​(byte nearestNeighbourID, AppID appID, Iterable<@ValidP Integer> processors, boolean wait)
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      appID - The application ID to start using the data
      processors - A list of processors on which to start the application, each between 1 and 17. If not specified, no application is started.
      wait - True if the binary should go into a "wait" state before executing
  • Method Details