Class FloodFillStart

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class FloodFillStart
extends SCPRequest<EmptyResponse>
A request to start a flood fill of data. There is no response payload.

Calls nn_cmd_ffs() in scamp-nn.c on all cores via ff_nn_send() in scamp-nn.c.

  • Constructor Details

    • FloodFillStart

      public FloodFillStart​(byte nearestNeighbourID, int numBlocks)
      Flood fill onto all chips.
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      numBlocks - The number of blocks of data that will be sent, between 0 and 255
    • FloodFillStart

      public FloodFillStart​(byte nearestNeighbourID, int numBlocks, HasChipLocation chip)
      Flood fill on a specific chip.
      nearestNeighbourID - The ID of the packet, between 0 and 127
      numBlocks - The number of blocks of data that will be sent, between 0 and 255
      chip - The chip to load the data on to.
  • Method Details