Commands to send to Spalloc, and responses received from Spalloc.
Interface Summary Interface Description Notification Notifications all implement.Response An (abstract) response from the machine manager. -
Class Summary Class Description BoardCoordinates The logical coordinates of a board.BoardLink A combination of x, y, z and a Link.BoardPhysicalCoordinates The physical coordinates of a board.Command<A> A serialisable request to spalloc.Connection Describes a connection by its chip and hostname.CreateJobCommand Request to create a job.DestroyJobCommand Request to destroy a job.ExceptionResponse A response to a request that indicates a failure.GetBoardAtPositionCommand Request the logical location of a board.GetBoardPositionCommand Request the physical location of a board.GetJobMachineInfoCommand Request to get machine information relating to a job.GetJobStateCommand Request the state of a job.JobDescription A description of the state of a job.JobDescription.Builder Builder forJobDescription
.JobKeepAliveCommand Request to keep a job alive.JobMachineInfo A description of a machine associated with a job, in terms of width, height, connections and its name.JobsChangedNotification A response that describes what jobs have changed state.JobState A description of the state of a job, in terms of its state, whether its boards are powered, the advised keep-alive polling interval and the reason that the job died (if in theDESTROYED
state).JobState.Builder Builder forJobState
.ListJobsCommand Request the list of all jobs from the spalloc server.ListMachinesCommand Request to get the known machines from the spalloc service.Machine Describes a machine by its name, tags, width and height.MachinesChangedNotification A response that describes what machines have changed state.NoNotifyJobCommand Request to not receive notifications about a job.NoNotifyMachineCommand Request to not receive notifications about a machine.NotifyJobCommand Request to get notifications about a job.NotifyMachineCommand Request to get notifications about a machine.PowerOffJobBoardsCommand Request to turn off the boards associated with a job.PowerOnJobBoardsCommand Request to turn on the boards associated with a job.ReturnResponse A response that is the successful result of a request.VersionCommand Request the version of the spalloc server.WhereIs The description of where some resource is on a SpiNNaker system.WhereIs.Builder Builder forWhereIs
.WhereIsJobChipCommand Request to get the location of a chip in a job's allocation relative to a machine.WhereIsMachineBoardLogicalCommand Request to get the location of a board in a machine by logical location.WhereIsMachineBoardPhysicalCommand Request to get the location of a board in a machine by physical location.WhereIsMachineChipCommand Request to get the location of a chip in a machine. -
Enum Summary Enum Description State The possible states of a spalloc job.