Class Daemon

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Daemon
extends Thread
A thread that is a daemon by default.
Donal Fellows
  • Constructor Details

    • Daemon

      public Daemon​(Runnable target)
      Allocate a new daemon thread. This thread is not running.
      target - the object whose run method is invoked when this thread is started. Never null.
    • Daemon

      public Daemon​(Runnable target, String name)
      Allocate a new daemon thread. This thread is not running.
      target - the object whose run method is invoked when this thread is started. Never null.
      name - the name of the new thread
    • Daemon

      public Daemon​(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)
      Allocate a new daemon thread. This thread is not running.
      group - the object whose run method is invoked when this thread is started.
      target - the object whose run method is invoked when this thread is started. Never null.
    • Daemon

      public Daemon​(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)
      Allocate a new daemon thread. This thread is not running.
      group - the thread group. If null, the group is set to the current thread's thread group.
      target - the object whose run method is invoked when this thread is started. Never null.
      name - the name of the new thread