Class OptionalUtils


public abstract class OptionalUtils
extends Object
Extra utilities for working with Optional in Java 8.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Details

    • apply

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Optional<T> apply​(Optional<T> source, Consumer<T>... actions)
      How to apply a sequence of modification transforms to a value in an optional if there is a value there at all.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of value in the optional.
      source - Where to get the value from.
      actions - The transformations to apply to the value in the optional if it exists; these are expected to modify that object.
      The original optional.
    • ifElse

      public static <T,​ U> U ifElse​(Optional<T> source, Function<T,​U> ifPresent, Supplier<U> ifAbsent)
      How to do one thing if an optional is present, and another if it is absent.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of value in the optional.
      U - The type of the result.
      source - Where to get the value from.
      ifPresent - What to do if the value is available.
      ifAbsent - What to do if the value is not available.
      The result, depending on which arm was taken.
    • ifElseFlat

      public static <T,​ U> Optional<U> ifElseFlat​(Optional<T> source, Function<T,​U> ifPresent, Supplier<U> ifAbsent)
      How to do one thing if an optional is present, and another if it is absent.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of value in the optional.
      U - The type of the result.
      source - Where to get the value from.
      ifPresent - What to do if the value is available.
      ifAbsent - What to do if the value is not available.
      The result, depending on which arm was taken.