License Agreement (older release) and list of contributors across all repositories

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The software is currently being released under the GPL version 3 license listed here.


If you find the software useful for your research for which you produce a paper, we request that you cite one or both of the following papers, depending on the relevance to the work in question:


The software is open source and therefore in principle we support the modification of any aspect of the tool chain, but we reserve the right to not support maintenance of said software once modified.

If you have made any modifications which you believe to be useful to the tool chain as a whole, we kindly ask you to contact the software team via the SpiNNaker User Group to be supported in discussions on if and how to integrate the modifications into future releases of the tool chain, or alternatively, provide the changes in the form of a github Pull Request or Pull Requests to the appropriate repositories.

We request a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute any contributions and such derivative works.


For up to date information on Contributors see the graphs/contributors pages on each project (bearing in mind that some older code predates being transferred to Github). For example SpiNNakerManchester/

As of April 2021 the contributors included (names in alphabetical order of their GitHub id):