sPyNNaker neural_modelling 7.2.2
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Data Structures | Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
spike_source_poisson.c File Reference

This file contains the main functions for a Poisson spike generator. More...

#include <common/maths-util.h>
#include <common/send_mc.h>
#include <data_specification.h>
#include <recording.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <normal.h>
#include <simulation.h>
#include <spin1_api.h>
#include <bit_field.h>
#include <stdfix-full-iso.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <circular_buffer.h>
#include "profile_tags.h"
#include <profiler.h>
#include <wfi.h>

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Data Structures

struct  spike_source_t
 data structure for Poisson sources More...
struct  timed_out_spikes
 data structure for recording spikes More...
struct  rng_seed_t
 An RNG seed of 4 words. More...
struct  global_parameters
 Parameters of the SpikeSourcePoisson. More...
struct  poisson_extension_provenance
 Structure of the provenance data. More...
struct  source_info
 Collection of rates to apply over time to a particular spike source. More...
struct  source_expand_details
struct  source_expand_region
struct  sdram_config
 A region of SDRAM used to transfer synapses. More...


 The number of recording regions.
 Bytes per word.
#define ISI_SCALE_FACTOR   1000
 A scale factor to allow the use of integers for "inter-spike intervals".


enum  region {
 spike source array region IDs in human readable form More...
enum  callback_priorities { MULTICAST = -1 , SDP = 0 , DMA = 1 , TIMER = 2 }
 Priorities for interrupt handlers. More...


static uint32_t rng (void)
 Random number generation for the Poisson sources. This is a local version for speed of operation.
static uint32_t n_spikes_poisson_fast (UFRACT exp_minus_lambda)
 How many spikes to generate for a fast Poisson source.
static REAL n_steps_until_next (void)
 How many time steps until the next spike for a slow Poisson source.
static uint32_t slow_spike_source_get_time_to_spike (uint32_t mean_inter_spike_interval_in_ticks)
 Determine the time in timer ticks multiplied by ISI_SCALE_FACTOR until the next spike is to occur given the mean inter-spike interval.
static uint32_t fast_spike_source_get_num_spikes (UFRACT exp_minus_lambda)
 Determine how many spikes to transmit this timer tick, for a fast source.
static uint32_t faster_spike_source_get_num_spikes (REAL sqrt_lambda)
 Determine how many spikes to transmit this timer tick, for a faster source (where λ is large enough that a Gaussian can be used instead of a Poisson)
void set_spike_source_rate (uint32_t sub_id, UREAL rate)
 Set the spike source rate as required.
static void store_provenance_data (address_t provenance_region)
 Writes the provenance data.
static uint32_t ms_to_ticks (unsigned long accum ms)
static void set_spike_source_details (uint32_t id, bool rate_changed)
static bit_field_t out_spikes_bitfield (uint32_t n)
 Set specific spikes for recording.
static void reset_spikes (void)
 Reset the spike buffer by clearing the bit field.
static void print_spike_source (index_t s)
 Print a spike source.
static void print_spike_sources (void)
 Print all spike sources.
static bool read_global_parameters (global_parameters *sdram_globals)
 Read the global parameters stored in Poisson parameter region.
static void read_next_rates (uint32_t id)
 Get the next chunk of rates read.
static bool read_rates (source_info *sdram_sources, bool rate_changed, uint32_t next_time)
 Read the rates of the Poisson.
static bool expand_rates (source_expand_region *items, source_info *sdram_sources)
static bool initialise_recording (data_specification_metadata_t *ds_regions)
 Initialise the recording parts of the model.
static void expand_spike_recording_buffer (uint32_t n_spikes)
 Expand the space for recording spikes.
static bool initialize (void)
 Initialise the model by reading in the regions and checking recording data.
static void resume_callback (void)
 Run any functions needed at resume time.
static void mark_spike (uint32_t neuron_id, uint32_t n_spikes)
 records spikes as needed
static void record_spikes (uint32_t time)
 writing spikes to SDRAM
static void add_sdram_spikes (uint32_t s_id, uint32_t num_spikes)
static void process_fast_source (index_t s_id, spike_source_t *source)
 Handle a fast spike source.
static void process_slow_source (index_t s_id, spike_source_t *source)
 Handle a slow spike source.
static void timer_callback (uint timer_count, uint unused)
 Timer interrupt callback.
static void multicast_packet_callback (uint key, uint payload)
 Multicast callback used to set rate when injected in a live example.
void c_main (void)
 The entry point for this model.


static uint32_t * keys
 The keys to send spikes with.
static global_parameters ssp_params
 The global_parameters for the sub-population.
static source_info ** source_data
 Array of pointers to sequences of rate data.
static spike_source_tsource
 The currently applied rate descriptors.
static uint32_t recording_flags = 0
 keeps track of which types of recording should be done to this model.
static uint32_t time
static uint32_t simulation_ticks = 0
 the number of timer ticks that this model should run for before exiting.
static uint32_t infinite_run
 the int that represents the bool for if the run is infinite or not.
static timed_out_spikesspikes = NULL
 The recorded spikes.
static uint32_t n_spike_buffers_allocated
 The number of recording spike buffers that have been allocated.
static uint32_t n_spike_buffer_words
 The number of words needed for 1 bit per source.
static uint32_t spike_buffer_size
 The size of each spike buffer in bytes.
static uint32_t timer_period
 The timer period.
static struct sdram_configsdram_inputs
 Where synaptic input is to be written.
static uint16_t * input_this_timestep
 The inputs to be sent at the end of this timestep.
static UREAL ts_per_second
 The timesteps per second.
static circular_buffer rate_change_buffer
 Buffer for rate change packets.
static uint32_t colour
 The colour of the current time step.
static uint32_t colour_mask
 The mask to apply to the time to get the colour.
static uint32_t n_saturations = 0

Detailed Description

This file contains the main functions for a Poisson spike generator.

Definition in file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ spike_source_t

struct spike_source_t

data structure for Poisson sources

Definition at line 50 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t start_ticks When the current control regime starts, in timer ticks.
uint32_t end_ticks When the current control regime ends, in timer ticks.
uint32_t next_ticks When we should load the next control regime, in timer ticks.
uint32_t is_fast_source Flag for whether we're in fast or slow mode.
UFRACT exp_minus_lambda exp(-λ)
UREAL sqrt_lambda sqrt(λ)
uint32_t mean_isi_ticks Mean interspike interval, in ticks.
uint32_t time_to_spike_ticks Planned time to spike, in ticks.

◆ timed_out_spikes

struct timed_out_spikes

data structure for recording spikes

Definition at line 71 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t time Time of recording.
uint32_t n_buffers Number of spike-recording buffers.
uint32_t out_spikes[] Spike recording buffers; sort of a bit_field_t[].

◆ rng_seed_t

struct rng_seed_t

An RNG seed of 4 words.

Definition at line 112 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t x
uint32_t y
uint32_t z
uint32_t c

◆ global_parameters

struct global_parameters

Parameters of the SpikeSourcePoisson.

Definition at line 120 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t has_key True if there is a key to transmit, False otherwise.
uint32_t set_rate_neuron_id_mask The mask to work out the neuron ID when setting the rate.
UFRACT seconds_per_tick The time between ticks in seconds for setting the rate.
UREAL ticks_per_ms The number of ticks per millisecond for setting the start and duration.
UREAL slow_rate_per_tick_cutoff The border rate between slow and fast sources.
UREAL fast_rate_per_tick_cutoff The border rate between fast and faster sources.
uint32_t first_source_id The ID of the first source relative to the population as a whole.
uint32_t n_spike_sources The number of sources in this sub-population.
uint32_t max_spikes_per_tick Maximum expected spikes per tick (for recording)
uint32_t n_colour_bits Number of bits to use for colour.
rng_seed_t spike_source_seed The seed for the Poisson generation process.

◆ poisson_extension_provenance

struct poisson_extension_provenance

Structure of the provenance data.

Definition at line 146 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t n_saturations number of saturations

◆ source_info

struct source_info

Collection of rates to apply over time to a particular spike source.

Definition at line 56 of file local_only_conv_impl.c.

Data Fields
key_info key_info Information about the key.
uint32_t source_height_per_core: 16 The source population height per core.
uint32_t source_width_per_core: 16 The source population width per core.
uint32_t source_height_last_core: 16 The source population height on the last core in a column.
uint32_t source_width_last_core: 16 The source population width on the last core on a row.
uint32_t cores_per_source_height: 16 The number cores in a height of the source.
uint32_t cores_per_source_width: 16 Number of cores in a width of the source.
div_const source_width_div Used to calculate division by the source width per core efficiently.
div_const source_width_last_div Division by last core width.
div_const cores_per_width_div Division by cores per source width.
uint32_t n_dims
source_dim source_dim[]
uint32_t n_rates The number of rates.
uint32_t index Where in the array of rate descriptors we are.
source_details details[] Array of rates.

◆ source_expand_details

struct source_expand_details

Definition at line 172 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t count The number of items to expand.
source_info info The details for the given number of items.

◆ source_expand_region

struct source_expand_region

Definition at line 179 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Data Fields
uint32_t rate_changed Determine if any rates have been changed.
uint32_t n_items
source_expand_details items[]

◆ sdram_config

struct sdram_config

A region of SDRAM used to transfer synapses.

Definition at line 87 of file c_main_neurons.c.

Data Fields
uint8_t * address The start address of the input data to be transferred.

The address of the input data to be transferred.

uint32_t size_in_bytes The size of the input data to be transferred per core.

The size of the input data to be transferred.

uint32_t n_synapse_cores The number of synapse cores feeding into here.
uint32_t * address The address of the input data to be transferred.
uint32_t time_for_transfer_overhead The time of the transfer in us.
uint32_t offset

The offset into the data to write the weights (to account for different synapse types)

uint16_t weights[] The weight to send for each active Poisson source.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 47 of file spike_source_poisson.c.



The number of recording regions.

Definition at line 93 of file spike_source_poisson.c.



Bytes per word.

Definition at line 95 of file spike_source_poisson.c.


#define ISI_SCALE_FACTOR   1000

A scale factor to allow the use of integers for "inter-spike intervals".

Definition at line 97 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ region

enum region

spike source array region IDs in human readable form


simulation interface master control


application configuration; global_parameters


rates to apply; source_info


spike history recording region


provenance region


profiling region


SDRAM transfer parameters region.


Expanding of parameters.

Definition at line 81 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ callback_priorities

Priorities for interrupt handlers.


Multicast packet reception uses the FIQ.


SDP handling is highest ordinary priority.


DMA complete handling is medium priority.


Regular timer interrupt is lowest priority.

Definition at line 100 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Function Documentation

◆ rng()

static uint32_t rng ( void  )

Random number generation for the Poisson sources. This is a local version for speed of operation.

A random number

Definition at line 265 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ n_spikes_poisson_fast()

static uint32_t n_spikes_poisson_fast ( UFRACT  exp_minus_lambda)

How many spikes to generate for a fast Poisson source.

How many spikes to generate

Definition at line 281 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ n_steps_until_next()

static REAL n_steps_until_next ( void  )

How many time steps until the next spike for a slow Poisson source.

The number of time steps until the next spike

Definition at line 296 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ slow_spike_source_get_time_to_spike()

static uint32_t slow_spike_source_get_time_to_spike ( uint32_t  mean_inter_spike_interval_in_ticks)

Determine the time in timer ticks multiplied by ISI_SCALE_FACTOR until the next spike is to occur given the mean inter-spike interval.

[in]mean_inter_spike_interval_in_ticksThe mean number of ticks before a spike is expected to occur in a slow process.
"time" in timer ticks * ISI_SCALE_FACTOR until the next spike occurs

Definition at line 323 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ fast_spike_source_get_num_spikes()

static uint32_t fast_spike_source_get_num_spikes ( UFRACT  exp_minus_lambda)

Determine how many spikes to transmit this timer tick, for a fast source.

[in]exp_minus_lambdaexp(-λ), λ is amount of spikes expected to be produced this timer interval (timer tick in real time)
the number of spikes to transmit this timer tick

Definition at line 339 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ faster_spike_source_get_num_spikes()

static uint32_t faster_spike_source_get_num_spikes ( REAL  sqrt_lambda)

Determine how many spikes to transmit this timer tick, for a faster source (where λ is large enough that a Gaussian can be used instead of a Poisson)

[in]sqrt_lambdaSquare root of the amount of spikes expected to be produced this timer interval (timer tick in real time)
The number of spikes to transmit this timer tick

Definition at line 355 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ set_spike_source_rate()

void set_spike_source_rate ( uint32_t  sub_id,
UREAL  rate 

Set the spike source rate as required.

[in]idthe ID of the source to be updated
[in]ratethe rate in Hz, to be multiplied to get per-tick values

Definition at line 368 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ store_provenance_data()

static void store_provenance_data ( address_t  provenance_region)

Writes the provenance data.

[out]provenance_regionWhere to write the provenance

Definition at line 411 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ ms_to_ticks()

static uint32_t ms_to_ticks ( unsigned long accum  ms)

Definition at line 420 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ set_spike_source_details()

static void set_spike_source_details ( uint32_t  id,
bool  rate_changed 

Definition at line 424 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ out_spikes_bitfield()

static bit_field_t out_spikes_bitfield ( uint32_t  n)

Set specific spikes for recording.

[in]nthe spike array index
bit field at the location n

Definition at line 456 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ reset_spikes()

static void reset_spikes ( void  )

Reset the spike buffer by clearing the bit field.

Definition at line 461 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ print_spike_source()

static void print_spike_source ( index_t  s)

Print a spike source.

[in]sThe spike source ID

Definition at line 472 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ print_spike_sources()

static void print_spike_sources ( void  )

Print all spike sources.

Definition at line 486 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ read_global_parameters()

static bool read_global_parameters ( global_parameters sdram_globals)

Read the global parameters stored in Poisson parameter region.

[in]sdram_globalsthe absolute SDRAM memory address to which the Poisson parameter region starts.
Whether the parameters were read successfully.

Definition at line 497 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ read_next_rates()

static void read_next_rates ( uint32_t  id)

Get the next chunk of rates read.

[in]idThe spike source ID

Definition at line 540 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ read_rates()

static bool read_rates ( source_info sdram_sources,
bool  rate_changed,
uint32_t  next_time 

Read the rates of the Poisson.

[in]sdram_sourcesthe configuration in SDRAM
[in]rate_changedwhether any rates have actually changed
[in]next_timethe time which will be the next timestep to run
Whether the rates were read successfully.

Definition at line 552 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ expand_rates()

static bool expand_rates ( source_expand_region items,
source_info sdram_sources 

Definition at line 600 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ initialise_recording()

static bool initialise_recording ( data_specification_metadata_t ds_regions)

Initialise the recording parts of the model.

[in]ds_regionsData specification master descriptor
Whether recording initialisation is successful

Definition at line 649 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ expand_spike_recording_buffer()

static void expand_spike_recording_buffer ( uint32_t  n_spikes)

Expand the space for recording spikes.

[in]n_spikesNew number of spikes to hold

Definition at line 662 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ initialize()

static bool initialize ( void  )

Initialise the model by reading in the regions and checking recording data.

Whether it successfully read all the regions and set up all its internal data structures.

Definition at line 691 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ resume_callback()

static void resume_callback ( void  )

Run any functions needed at resume time.

Definition at line 792 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ mark_spike()

static void mark_spike ( uint32_t  neuron_id,
uint32_t  n_spikes 

records spikes as needed

[in]neuron_idthe neurons to store spikes from
[in]n_spikesthe number of times this neuron has spiked

Definition at line 831 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ record_spikes()

static void record_spikes ( uint32_t  time)

writing spikes to SDRAM

[in]timethe time to which these spikes are being recorded

Definition at line 847 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ add_sdram_spikes()

static void add_sdram_spikes ( uint32_t  s_id,
uint32_t  num_spikes 

Definition at line 855 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ process_fast_source()

static void process_fast_source ( index_t  s_id,
spike_source_t source 

Handle a fast spike source.

s_idSource ID
sourceSource descriptor

Definition at line 869 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ process_slow_source()

static void process_slow_source ( index_t  s_id,
spike_source_t source 

Handle a slow spike source.

s_idSource ID
sourceSource descriptor

Definition at line 915 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ timer_callback()

static void timer_callback ( uint  timer_count,
uint  unused 

Timer interrupt callback.

[in]timer_countthe number of times this call back has been executed since start of simulation
[in]unusedfor consistency sake of the API always returning two parameters, this parameter has no semantics currently and thus is set to 0

Definition at line 957 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ multicast_packet_callback()

static void multicast_packet_callback ( uint  key,
uint  payload 

Multicast callback used to set rate when injected in a live example.

[in]keyReceived multicast key
[in]payloadReceived multicast payload

Definition at line 1048 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ c_main()

void c_main ( void  )

The entry point for this model.

Definition at line 1061 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ source_details


Definition at line 157 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ keys

uint32_t* keys

The keys to send spikes with.

Definition at line 160 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ ssp_params

global_parameters ssp_params

The global_parameters for the sub-population.

Definition at line 204 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ source_data

source_info** source_data

Array of pointers to sequences of rate data.

Definition at line 207 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ source

spike_source_t* source

The currently applied rate descriptors.

Definition at line 210 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ recording_flags

uint32_t recording_flags = 0

keeps track of which types of recording should be done to this model.

Definition at line 213 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ time

uint32_t time

the time interval parameter TODO this variable could be removed and use the timer tick callback timer value.

Definition at line 217 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ simulation_ticks

uint32_t simulation_ticks = 0

the number of timer ticks that this model should run for before exiting.

Definition at line 220 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ infinite_run

uint32_t infinite_run

the int that represents the bool for if the run is infinite or not.

Definition at line 223 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ spikes

timed_out_spikes* spikes = NULL

The recorded spikes.

Definition at line 226 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ n_spike_buffers_allocated

uint32_t n_spike_buffers_allocated

The number of recording spike buffers that have been allocated.

Definition at line 229 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ n_spike_buffer_words

uint32_t n_spike_buffer_words

The number of words needed for 1 bit per source.

Definition at line 232 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ spike_buffer_size

uint32_t spike_buffer_size

The size of each spike buffer in bytes.

Definition at line 235 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ timer_period

uint32_t timer_period

The timer period.

Definition at line 238 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ sdram_inputs

struct sdram_config* sdram_inputs

Where synaptic input is to be written.

Definition at line 241 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ input_this_timestep

uint16_t* input_this_timestep

The inputs to be sent at the end of this timestep.

Definition at line 244 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ ts_per_second

UREAL ts_per_second

The timesteps per second.

Definition at line 247 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ rate_change_buffer

circular_buffer rate_change_buffer

Buffer for rate change packets.

Definition at line 250 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ colour

uint32_t colour

The colour of the current time step.

Definition at line 253 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ colour_mask

uint32_t colour_mask

The mask to apply to the time to get the colour.

Definition at line 256 of file spike_source_poisson.c.

◆ n_saturations

uint32_t n_saturations = 0

The number of times the sending of spikes saturated the weight buffers (only when doing SDRAM transfers)

Definition at line 260 of file spike_source_poisson.c.