sPyNNaker neural_modelling 7.2.2
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synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c File Reference

This file contains the main interface for structural plasticity and some shared code. For the main implementation, see topographic_map_impl.c. More...

#include "synapse_dynamics.h"
#include <neuron/synapses.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <utils.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


bool synapse_dynamics_initialise (address_t address, uint32_t n_neurons, uint32_t n_synapse_types, uint32_t *ring_buffer_to_input_buffer_left_shifts)
 Initialise the synapse dynamics.
void synapse_dynamics_process_post_synaptic_event (uint32_t time, index_t neuron_index)
 Inform the synapses that the neuron fired.
bool synapse_dynamics_process_plastic_synapses (synapse_row_plastic_data_t *plastic_region_data, synapse_row_fixed_part_t *fixed_region, weight_t *ring_buffer, uint32_t time, uint32_t colour_delay, bool *write_back)
 Process the dynamics of the synapses.
void synapse_dynamics_print_plastic_synapses (synapse_row_plastic_data_t *plastic_region_data, synapse_row_fixed_part_t *fixed_region, uint32_t *ring_buffer_to_input_left_shifts)
 Print the synapse dynamics.
uint32_t synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_pre_synaptic_events (void)
 Get the counters for plastic pre synaptic events based on (if the model was compiled with SYNAPSE_BENCHMARK parameter) or returns 0.
uint32_t synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_saturation_count (void)
 Get the number of ring buffer saturation events due to adding plastic weights.
bool synapse_dynamics_find_neuron (uint32_t id, synaptic_row_t row, weight_t *weight, uint16_t *delay, uint32_t *offset, uint32_t *synapse_type)
 Search the synaptic row for the the connection with the specified post-synaptic ID.
bool synapse_dynamics_remove_neuron (uint32_t offset, synaptic_row_t row)
 Remove the entry at the specified offset in the synaptic row.
bool synapse_dynamics_add_neuron (uint32_t id, synaptic_row_t row, weight_t weight, uint32_t delay, uint32_t type)
 Add an entry in the synaptic row.
uint32_t synapse_dynamics_n_connections_in_row (synapse_row_fixed_part_t *fixed)
 Get the number of connections in the given row.

Detailed Description

This file contains the main interface for structural plasticity and some shared code. For the main implementation, see topographic_map_impl.c.

Petrut Bogdan

Definition in file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

Function Documentation

◆ synapse_dynamics_initialise()

bool synapse_dynamics_initialise ( address_t  address,
uint32_t  n_neurons,
uint32_t  n_synapse_types,
uint32_t *  ring_buffer_to_input_buffer_left_shifts 

Initialise the synapse dynamics.

[in]addressWhere the configuration data is
[in]n_neuronsNumber of neurons
[in]n_synapse_typesNumber of synapse types
[in]ring_buffer_to_input_buffer_left_shiftsHow to interpret the values from the ring buffers
Whether the initialisation succeeded.

Definition at line 29 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_process_post_synaptic_event()

void synapse_dynamics_process_post_synaptic_event ( uint32_t  time,
index_t  neuron_index 

Inform the synapses that the neuron fired.

[in]timeThe current simulation time
[in]neuron_indexWhich neuron are we processing

Definition at line 37 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_process_plastic_synapses()

bool synapse_dynamics_process_plastic_synapses ( synapse_row_plastic_data_t plastic_region_data,
synapse_row_fixed_part_t fixed_region,
weight_t *  ring_buffers,
uint32_t  time,
uint32_t  colour_delay,
bool *  write_back 

Process the dynamics of the synapses.

[in,out]plastic_region_dataWhere the plastic data is
[in]fixed_regionWhere the fixed data is
[in,out]ring_buffersThe ring buffers
[in]timeThe current simulation time
[out]Whetherto write back anything
Whether the processing was successful or not

Definition at line 42 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_print_plastic_synapses()

void synapse_dynamics_print_plastic_synapses ( synapse_row_plastic_data_t plastic_region_data,
synapse_row_fixed_part_t fixed_region,
uint32_t *  ring_buffer_to_input_buffer_left_shifts 

Print the synapse dynamics.

[in]plastic_region_dataWhere the plastic data is
[in]fixed_regionWhere the fixed data is
[in]ring_buffer_to_input_buffer_left_shiftsHow to interpret the values from the ring buffers

Definition at line 52 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_pre_synaptic_events()

uint32_t synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_pre_synaptic_events ( void  )

Get the counters for plastic pre synaptic events based on (if the model was compiled with SYNAPSE_BENCHMARK parameter) or returns 0.

counters for plastic pre synaptic events or 0

Definition at line 58 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_saturation_count()

uint32_t synapse_dynamics_get_plastic_saturation_count ( void  )

Get the number of ring buffer saturation events due to adding plastic weights.

counter for saturation events or 0

Definition at line 62 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_find_neuron()

bool synapse_dynamics_find_neuron ( uint32_t  id,
synaptic_row_t  row,
weight_t *  weight,
uint16_t *  delay,
uint32_t *  offset,
uint32_t *  synapse_type 

Search the synaptic row for the the connection with the specified post-synaptic ID.

[in]idthe (core-local) ID of the neuron to search for in the synaptic row
[in]rowthe core-local address of the synaptic row
[out]weightaddress to contain the weight of the connection
[out]delayaddress to contain the delay of the connection
[out]offsetaddress to contain the offset of the connection
[out]synapse_typethe synapse type of the connection
was the search successful?

Definition at line 66 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_remove_neuron()

bool synapse_dynamics_remove_neuron ( uint32_t  offset,
synaptic_row_t  row 

Remove the entry at the specified offset in the synaptic row.

[in]offsetthe offset in the row at which to remove the entry
[in]rowthe core-local address of the synaptic row
was the removal successful?

Definition at line 94 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_add_neuron()

bool synapse_dynamics_add_neuron ( uint32_t  id,
synaptic_row_t  row,
weight_t  weight,
uint32_t  delay,
uint32_t  type 

Add an entry in the synaptic row.

[in]idthe (core-local) ID of the post-synaptic neuron to be added
[in]rowthe core-local address of the synaptic row
[in]weightthe initial weight associated with the connection
[in]delaythe delay associated with the connection
[in]typethe type of the connection (e.g. inhibitory)
was the addition successful?

Definition at line 119 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.

◆ synapse_dynamics_n_connections_in_row()

uint32_t synapse_dynamics_n_connections_in_row ( synapse_row_fixed_part_t fixed)

Get the number of connections in the given row.

[in]fixedthe fixed region of the synaptic row
The number of connections in the row

Definition at line 135 of file synapse_dynamics_static_impl.c.