Uses of Class
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Classes used to model types of connections that talk to SpiNNaker.
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How to actually talk to a SpiNNaker machine.
Uses of BMPConnectionData in
Constructors in with parameters of type BMPConnectionData Constructor Description BMPConnection(BMPConnectionData connectionData)
Uses of BMPConnectionData in
Methods in that return BMPConnectionData Modifier and Type Method Description static BMPConnectionData
Utils. defaultBMPforMachine(InetAddress host, Integer numberOfBoards)
Work out the BMP connection IP address given the machine details.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type BMPConnectionData Constructor Description Transceiver(InetAddress host, MachineVersion version, Collection<BMPConnectionData> bmpConnectionData, Integer numberOfBoards, Set<ChipLocation> ignoredChips, Map<ChipLocation,Set<Integer>> ignoredCores, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoredLinks, boolean autodetectBMP, List<Transceiver.ConnectionDescriptor> scampConnections, Integer bootPortNumber, Integer maxSDRAMSize)
Create a Transceiver by creating a UDPConnection to the given hostname on port 17893 (the default SCAMP port), and a BootConnection on port 54321 (the default boot port), optionally discovering any additional links using the UDPConnection, and then returning the transceiver created with the conjunction of the created UDPConnection and the discovered connections.