Model support classes for the communication messages.
Interface Summary Interface Description DiagnosticFilter.GetBitIndex How to get the bit index of an enum value.IPTagFieldDefinitions Constants for working with tags. -
Class Summary Class Description ADCInfo Container for the board status data thats been retrieved from a BMP.Addresses The IP addresses associated with a SpiNNaker board.AppID Application identifiers are used by SCAMP to tie various resources to their owners.Blacklist A blacklist read off a board.BMPConnectionData Contains the details of a connection to a SpiNNaker Board Management Processor (BMP).ChipInfo Represents the system variables for a chip, received from the chip SDRAM.ChipSummaryInfo Represents the chip summary information read via an SCP command.CPUInfo Represents information about the state of a CPU.DiagnosticFilter A router diagnostic counter filter, which counts packets passing through the router with certain properties.ExecutableTargets Encapsulate the binaries and cores on which to execute them.FirmwareDescriptor A firmware descriptor.HeapElement An element of one of the heaps on SpiNNaker.IOBuffer The contents of IOBUF for a core.P2PTable Represents a P2P routing table read from the machine.ReinjectionStatus Represents a status information message obtained from the dropped packet reinjection core (an "extra monitor" core).RouterDiagnostics Represents a set of diagnostic information available from a chip router.RouterTimeout A router timeout, originally stored as an 8-bit unsigned float.TagDescription Description of a tag.TagInfo Information about a tag pool on an Ethernet-connected chip.Version A three-part semantic version description.VersionInfo Decodes SC&MP/SARK version information as returned by the SVER command. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CPUState SARK CPU States.DataType Enum for data types of system variables.DiagnosticFilter.DefaultRoutingStatus Default routing flags for the diagnostic filters.DiagnosticFilter.Destination Destination flags for the diagnostic filters.DiagnosticFilter.EmergencyRoutingStatus Emergency routing status flags for the diagnostic filters.DiagnosticFilter.PacketType Packet type flags for the diagnostic filters.DiagnosticFilter.PayloadStatus Payload flags for the diagnostic filters.DiagnosticFilter.Source Source flags for the diagnostic filters.FirmwareDescriptors Basic information about firmware.FPGA Identifiers for the FPGAs on a SpiNNaker board, as managed by BMP.FPGALinkRegisters FPGA registers within a register bank.FPGAMainRegisters Main FPGA registers.FPGARecevingLinkCounters FPGA link receive counters.FPGASendingLinkCounters FPGA link send counters.IPTagTimeOutWaitTime The values used by the SCP IP tag time outs.LEDAction The SCP LED actions.MailboxCommand Commands sent between an application and the monitor processor.P2PTableRoute P2P Routing table routes.PowerCommand The BMP Power Commands.RouterDiagnostics.RouterRegister Description of router registers.RunTimeError SARK Run time errors.SARKStruct.API The supported APIs for mapped structures.Signal SCP Signals.Signal.Type The type of signal, determined by how it is transmitted.SystemVariableDefinition Defines the system variables available.TransferUnit What to move data in units of. -
Exception Summary Exception Description MemoryAllocationFailedException Indicate that a memory allocation operation has failed.UnexpectedResponseCodeException Indicate that a response code returned from the board was unexpected for the current operation.UnroutableMessageException Indicate that the board (or BMP) was unable to send a message on to its final destination. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description SARKField A field that has an equivalent in a structure in SARK (or SCAMP, or the BMP).SARKStruct A structure that has an equivalent in a structure in SARK (or SCAMP, or the BMP).