Interface HasChipLocation

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDataLink, Chip, ChipLocation, CoreLocation, FpgaEnum, FPGALinkData, RegionLocation, SpinnakerLinkData

public interface HasChipLocation
The interface supported by any object that is associated with a chip.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default ChipLocation asChipLocation()
    Converts (if required) this to a simple X, Y tuple.
    default HasCoreLocation getScampCore()
    Get the core of the chip that will be running SC&MP. int getX() int getY()  
    default boolean onSameChipAs​(HasChipLocation other)
    Check if two locations are co-located at the chip level.
  • Method Details

    • getX

      @ValidX int getX()
      The X coordinate of the chip.
    • getY

      @ValidY int getY()
      The Y coordinate of the chip.
    • onSameChipAs

      default boolean onSameChipAs​(HasChipLocation other)
      Check if two locations are co-located at the chip level. This does not imply that the two are equal (but does imply that the results of calling asChipLocation() on each will produce equal objects).
      other - The other location to compare to.
      If the two locations have the same X and Y coordinates.
    • getScampCore

      default HasCoreLocation getScampCore()
      Get the core of the chip that will be running SC&MP. This is always core 0 of the chip, as the core that runs SC&MP always maps itself to be virtual core ID 0.
      The location of the SC&MP core.
    • asChipLocation

      default ChipLocation asChipLocation()
      Converts (if required) this to a simple X, Y tuple.
      A ChipLocation representation of the X and Y tuple