Enum MachineVersion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<MachineVersion>

public enum MachineVersion
extends Enum<MachineVersion>
Known types of machine. Properly this should be an open set.
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants 
    Enum Constant Description
    Unexpected small board probably created by adding a virtual chip to a 2 by 2 board.
    Single common style 48 chip board.
    Original style 48 chip board.
    Unexpected combination of common style 48 chips boards not in made up of standard Triads.
    Assumed Combination of 1200 common style 48 chips boards.
    Combination of 120 common style 48 chips boards.
    Combination of 600 common style 48 chips boards.
    Common style 4 chip board.
    Combination of 3 common style 48 chips boards in a Toroid.
    Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads without wrap-arounds.
    Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads which only wrap-arounds on the Horizontal / X axis.
    Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads which only wrap-arounds on the Vertical / Y axis.
    Unknown combination of common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads with both wrap-arounds.
    Combination of 24 common style 48 chips boards.
    Original style 4 chip board.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    boolean horizontalWrap
    Indicates if this machine is expected to have wrap-arounds on the X axis.
    Integer id
    Python ID for this version or null if no matching ID in python.
    boolean isFourChip
    Indicates if this machine has exactly 4 chips is a 2 by 2 layout.
    boolean isFourtyeightChip
    Indicates if this machine has exactly one 48 chip board.
    boolean isTriad
    Indicates if this board is made up of triads, i.e., one or more groups of three boards in the typical layout.
    MachineDimensions machineDimensions
    The only possible dimensions for this version or null if multiple sizes allowed.
    boolean verticalWrap
    Indicates if this machine is expected to have wrap-arounds on the Y axis.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static MachineVersion byId​(Integer id)
    Converts a python board ID into a MachineVersion.
    static MachineVersion bySize​(int width, int height)
    Calculate the machine version based on the size.
    static MachineVersion bySize​(MachineDimensions dimensions)
    Calculate the machine version based on the size.
    int hardwareVersion()
    Get the version number of the SpiNN boards in the hardware configuration.
    static MachineVersion valueOf​(String name)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    static MachineVersion[] values()
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • TWO

      public static final MachineVersion TWO
      Original style 4 chip board.
    • THREE

      public static final MachineVersion THREE
      Common style 4 chip board.
    • FOUR

      public static final MachineVersion FOUR
      Original style 48 chip board.
    • FIVE

      public static final MachineVersion FIVE
      Single common style 48 chip board.

      public static final MachineVersion THREE_BOARD
      Combination of 3 common style 48 chips boards in a Toroid.

      public static final MachineVersion TWENTYFOUR_BOARD
      Combination of 24 common style 48 chips boards.

      public static final MachineVersion ONE_TWENTY_BOARD
      Combination of 120 common style 48 chips boards.

      public static final MachineVersion SIX_HUNDRED_BOARD
      Combination of 600 common style 48 chips boards.

      public static final MachineVersion ONE_THOUSAND_TWO_HUNDRED_BOARD
      Assumed Combination of 1200 common style 48 chips boards.

      public static final MachineVersion TRIAD_NO_WRAPAROUND
      Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads without wrap-arounds.

      This is typically what spalloc provides when returning part of a larger machine.


      public static final MachineVersion TRIAD_WITH_WRAPAROUND
      Unknown combination of common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads with both wrap-arounds.

      All known machine sizes with both wrap-arounds have unique MachineVersions.

      Note: While this is physically possible with standards boards there is no known case then such a machine would be obtained. The assumption that this version has wrap-arounds is purely based on the size.


      public static final MachineVersion TRIAD_WITH_HORIZONTAL_WRAP
      Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads which only wrap-arounds on the Horizontal / X axis.

      This is possible when spalloc returns a large part of a machine.


      public static final MachineVersion TRIAD_WITH_VERTICAL_WRAP
      Combination of multiple common style 48 chips boards but made up of Triads which only wrap-arounds on the Vertical / Y axis.

      This is possible when spalloc returns a large part of a machine.


      public static final MachineVersion NONE_TRIAD_LARGE
      Unexpected combination of common style 48 chips boards not in made up of standard Triads.

      Note: While this is physically possible with standards boards there is no known case then such a machine would be obtained. The assumption that this version does not have wrap-arounds is purely based on the size.


      public static final MachineVersion EXTENDED_SMALL
      Unexpected small board probably created by adding a virtual chip to a 2 by 2 board.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public final Integer id
      Python ID for this version or null if no matching ID in python.
    • isFourChip

      public final boolean isFourChip
      Indicates if this machine has exactly 4 chips is a 2 by 2 layout.
    • isFourtyeightChip

      public final boolean isFourtyeightChip
      Indicates if this machine has exactly one 48 chip board.
    • horizontalWrap

      public final boolean horizontalWrap
      Indicates if this machine is expected to have wrap-arounds on the X axis.
    • verticalWrap

      public final boolean verticalWrap
      Indicates if this machine is expected to have wrap-arounds on the Y axis.
    • isTriad

      public final boolean isTriad
      Indicates if this board is made up of triads, i.e., one or more groups of three boards in the typical layout.
    • machineDimensions

      public final MachineDimensions machineDimensions
      The only possible dimensions for this version or null if multiple sizes allowed.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static MachineVersion[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static MachineVersion valueOf​(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • byId

      public static MachineVersion byId​(Integer id)
      Converts a python board ID into a MachineVersion.
      id - Python board version.
      Machine version assuming just a single board.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the ID doesn't correspond to a supported version.
    • bySize

      public static MachineVersion bySize​(int width, int height)
      Calculate the machine version based on the size.
      width - The width of the machine to find the version for.
      height - The height of the machine to find the version for.
      A Board version.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the size is not valid.
    • bySize

      public static MachineVersion bySize​(MachineDimensions dimensions)
      Calculate the machine version based on the size.
      dimensions - The width and height of the machine to find the version for.
      A Board version.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the size is not valid.
    • hardwareVersion

      public int hardwareVersion()
      Get the version number of the SpiNN boards in the hardware configuration.
      2, 3, 4 or 5.