Uses of Class
Package | Description |
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Describes a SpiNNaker machine.
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Beans used to describe a SpiNNaker machine in JSON.
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Classes relating to boards in a SpiNNaker machine.
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Describes a data link.
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Describes IPtags and reverse IPtags.
Uses of ChipLocation in
Fields in declared as ChipLocation Modifier and Type Field Description @Valid ChipLocation
Machine. boot
The coordinates of the chip used to boot the machine.@Valid ChipLocation
Link. destination
The coordinate of the destination chip of the link.@Valid ChipLocation
Chip. nearestEthernet
The nearest Ethernet-enabled chip coordinates, ornull
if none known.static ChipLocation
ChipLocation. ONE_ZERO
The location (1,0), which is the one to the east/right of the bottom/left corner.@Valid ChipLocation
Link. source
The coordinates of the source chip of the link.static ChipLocation
ChipLocation. ZERO_ZERO
The location (0,0), which is in the bottom/left corner and typically the Ethernet-enabled chip for the lead board of an allocation.Fields in with type parameters of type ChipLocation Modifier and Type Field Description static Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>>
Ignore Links info for a four chip board.Methods in that return ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description ChipLocation
Chip. asChipLocation()
ChipLocation. asChipLocation()
default ChipLocation
HasChipLocation. asChipLocation()
Converts (if required) this to a simple X, Y tuple.ChipLocation
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. getLocalChipCoordinate(HasChipLocation chip)
Converts whole machine coordinates into local ones.ChipLocation
Machine. getLocationOverLink(HasChipLocation source, Direction direction)
Get the coordinates of a possible chip over the given link.ChipLocation
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. getRootChip(HasChipLocation chip, int width, int height)
Finds the root Chip for the board this Chip is on.ChipLocation
Machine. normalizedLocation(int x, int y)
Converts x and y to a chip location, if required (and applicable) adjusting for wrap around.ChipLocation
Machine. normalizedLocation(HasChipLocation location)
Returns this location adjusted for wrap-arounds.ChipLocation
Machine. normalizedMove(HasChipLocation source, Direction direction)
Returns the location you would get to from the source if you move in this direction, if required (and applicable) adjusting for wrap-around.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description Set<ChipLocation>
Machine. chipCoordinates()
A set of all the locations of the chips in this machine.SortedMap<ChipLocation,Chip>
Machine. chipsMap()
An unmodifiable view over the map from locations to chips.Set<ChipLocation>
Machine. findAbnormalChips()
Returns a list of the abnormal chips that are recommended for removal.Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>>
Machine. findAbnormalLinks()
Returns a list of the abnormal links that are recommended for removal.Set<ChipLocation>
CoreSubsets. getChips()
Returns theChipLocation
s for which there is at least oneCoreLocation
in the subsets.Set<ChipLocation>
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. getPotentialRootChips(MachineDimensions dimensions)
Get the coordinates of bottom left chip on each board.MappableIterable<ChipLocation>
Router. iterNeighbouringChipsCoords()
Iterable over the destinations of each link.List<ChipLocation>
Router. neighbouringChipsCoords()
List of the destination for all links.Collection<ChipLocation>
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. singleBoard()
An Collection all the chips on a Single board with a root of 0, 0.Iterator<ChipLocation>
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. singleBoardIterator()
An Iterator all the chips on a Single board with a root of 0, 0.Stream<ChipLocation>
Router. streamNeighbouringChipsCoords()
Stream of the destinations of each link.Methods in with parameters of type ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description void
CoreSubsets. addCore(ChipLocation chip, int p)
Adds the processor for this chip, creating a new subset if required.void
CoreSubsets. addCores(ChipLocation chip, Iterable<Integer> processors)
Adds the processors for this chip, creating a new subset if
ChipLocation. compareTo(ChipLocation other)
CoreSubsets. coreByChip(ChipLocation chip)
Provides theCoreLocation
s for just a single chip.Chip
Machine. getChipAt(ChipLocation location)
Get the chip at a specific (x, y) location.boolean
Machine. hasChipAt(ChipLocation location)
Determine if a chip exists at the given coordinates.boolean
Machine. hasInverseLinkAt(ChipLocation chip, Direction direction)
Check if the inverse link to the one described exists.boolean
Machine. hasLinkAt(ChipLocation source, Direction link)
Determine if a link exists at the given coordinates.boolean
CoreSubsets. isChip(ChipLocation chip)
Determine if the chip with coordinates (x, y) is in the subset.Set<Integer>
CoreSubsets. pByChip(ChipLocation chip)
Provides the processor identifiers for just a single chip.Method parameters in with type arguments of type ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description Machine
Machine. rebuild(Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
Provides a machine without ignored chips or links.Machine
Machine. rebuild(Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
Provides a machine without ignored chips or links.void
SpiNNakerTriadGeometry. singleBoardForEach(Consumer<ChipLocation> action)
Allows forEach to be called on all ChipLocations in SingleBoardCoordinates.Constructors in with parameters of type ChipLocation Constructor Description Chip(ChipLocation location, Iterable<Processor> processors, Router router, int sdram, InetAddress ipAddress, List<Integer> tagIds, ChipLocation nearestEthernet)
Main constructor which sets all parameters.Chip(ChipLocation location, Iterable<Processor> processors, Router router, int sdram, InetAddress ipAddress, ChipLocation nearestEthernet)
Constructor which fills in some default values.Chip(ChipLocation location, Iterable<Processor> processors, Router router, InetAddress ipAddress, ChipLocation nearestEthernet)
Constructor for a chip with non-default processors.Chip(ChipLocation location, Router router, InetAddress ipAddress, ChipLocation nearestEthernet)
Constructor for a chip with the default processors.Link(ChipLocation source, Direction sourceLinkDirection, ChipLocation destination)
Main Constructor which sets all parameters.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ChipLocation Constructor Description VirtualMachine(MachineDimensions machineDimensions, Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,Set<Integer>> ignoreCores, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions.VirtualMachine(MachineDimensions machineDimensions, Set<ChipLocation> ignoreChips, Map<ChipLocation,Set<Integer>> ignoreCores, Map<ChipLocation,EnumSet<Direction>> ignoreLinks)
Creates a virtual machine to fill the machine dimensions. -
Uses of ChipLocation in
Fields in declared as ChipLocation Modifier and Type Field Description @Valid ChipLocation
LinkBean. destination
Where the link is going.@Valid ChipLocation
ChipDetails. ethernet
Location of the nearest Ethernet-enabled chip.@Valid ChipLocation
ChipBean. location
The location of this Chip.Methods in that return ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description ChipLocation
ChipDetails. getEthernet()
ChipDetails. getLinkDestination(Direction direction, HasChipLocation source, Machine machine)
Gets where a link is really going.ChipLocation
ChipBean. getLocation()
MachineBean. getRoot()
Constructors in with parameters of type ChipLocation Constructor Description ChipDetails(int cores, ChipLocation ethernet, String ipAddress, List<LinkBean> links, List<Integer> deadLinks)
Make an instance.MachineBean(int height, int width, ChipLocation root, ChipResources ethernetResources, ChipResources standardResources, List<ChipBean> chips)
Make an instance. -
Uses of ChipLocation in
Methods in that return ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description ChipLocation
TriadCoords. asChipLocation()
Convert these coordinates into a machine-global chip location. -
Uses of ChipLocation in
Fields in declared as ChipLocation Modifier and Type Field Description @Valid ChipLocation
AbstractDataLink. location
Coordinates of the location/chip being linked to.Methods in that return ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description ChipLocation
AbstractDataLink. asChipLocation()
FpgaEnum. asChipLocation()
Uses of ChipLocation in
Methods in that return ChipLocation Modifier and Type Method Description ChipLocation
IPTag. getDestination()
Constructors in with parameters of type ChipLocation Constructor Description IPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, ChipLocation destination, int tagID, InetAddress targetAddress)
Create an IP tag.IPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, ChipLocation destination, int tagID, InetAddress targetAddress, boolean stripSDP)
IPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, ChipLocation destination, int tagID, InetAddress targetAddress, Integer udpPort)
Create an IP tag.IPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, ChipLocation destination, int tagID, InetAddress targetAddress, Integer udpPort, boolean stripSDP)
IPTag(InetAddress boardAddress, ChipLocation destination, int tagID, InetAddress targetAddress, Integer udpPort, boolean stripSDP, TrafficIdentifier trafficIdentifier)