Class MachineStateControl.BoardState

Enclosing class:

public final class MachineStateControl.BoardState
extends Object
Access to the enablement-state of a board.
  • Field Details

    • machineName

      public final String machineName
      The name of the containing SpiNNaker machine.
    • machineId

      public final int machineId
      The machine ID. Unique.
    • id

      public final int id
      The board ID. Unique.
    • x

      public final int x
      The X triad coordinate.
    • y

      public final int y
      The Y triad coordinate.
    • z

      public final int z
      The Z triad coordinate.
    • cabinet

      public final int cabinet
      The cabinet number.
    • frame

      public final int frame
      The frame number.
    • board

      public final Integer board
      The board number.
    • address

      public final String address
      The IP address managed by the board's root chip.
    • bmpSerial

      public final String bmpSerial
      The BMP serial number, if known.
    • physicalSerial

      public final String physicalSerial
      The physical board serial number, if known.
    • bmpId

      public final int bmpId
      The BMP id.
  • Method Details

    • getState

      public boolean getState()
      The allocatable state of the board. If a board is not allocatable, it will not be handed out in new allocations to jobs, but can continue to be used by whatever job it is currently allocated to (if any).
    • setState

      public void setState​(boolean newValue)
      newValue - The allocatable state to set the board to.
    • getAllocatedJob

      public Optional<Integer> getAllocatedJob()
      What job has been allocated to the board?
    • getPower

      public boolean getPower()
      Is the board switched on?
    • getPowerOnTime

      public Optional<Instant> getPowerOnTime()
      When was the board last switched on?
    • getPowerOffTime

      public Optional<Instant> getPowerOffTime()
      When was the board last switched off?
    • getReports

      public List<BoardIssueReport> getReports()
      What issues have been logged against the board?
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toBoardRecord

      public BoardRecord toBoardRecord()
      Convert this active object to a static record.
      The static (conceptually serialisable) record object.