Administrative interfaces for spalloc server. Connected quite deeply with
Spring MVC.
Interface Summary Interface Description AdminAPI Administration interface.AdminAPI.Paths Common paths in the interface.AdminController The API for the controller for the admin user interface. -
Class Summary Class Description AdminAPI.Description Where the other resources are.AdminController.BlacklistData The model of a blacklist used by the administration web interface.AdminController.CreateGroupModel Model used when creating a group.AdminControllerImpl Implements the logic supporting the JSP views and maps them into URL space.AdminImpl Implements the service administration interface.DirInfo A mapping that says how to go from one board's coordinates (only the Z coordinate matters for this) to another when you move in a particular direction.MachineDefinitionLoader Loads definitions of machines from JSON, as generated bypy2json
.MachineDefinitionLoader.Configuration A configuration description.MachineDefinitionLoader.Machine A machine description.MachineStateControl How to manage the state of a machine and boards in it.ReportMailSender Basic email sending service.UserControl User and group administration DAO. -
Enum Summary Enum Description MachineDefinitionLoader.Link Enumeration of links from a SpiNNaker chip, as used in the old spalloc. -
Exception Summary Exception Description MachineDefinitionLoader.InsertFailedException Possible exception when an insert fails.MachineStateControl.MachineStateException Exception thrown when the machine state can't be read from or written to a BMP.