Class SpallocAPI.CreateDescriptor

Direct Known Subclasses:
SpallocAPI.CreateDimensions, SpallocAPI.CreateNumBoards, SpallocAPI.HasBoardCoords
Enclosing interface:

public abstract static class SpallocAPI.CreateDescriptor
extends Object
Describes what sort of request to create a job this is.
See Also:
SpallocAPI.CreateNumBoards, SpallocAPI.CreateDimensions, SpallocAPI.CreateDimensionsAt, SpallocAPI.CreateBoard
  • Field Details

    • maxDead

      @PositiveOrZero(message="maxDeadBoards must not be negative") public final @javax.validation.constraints.PositiveOrZero(message="maxDeadBoards must not be negative") int maxDead
      The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
  • Method Details

    • visit

      public final <T> T visit​(SpallocAPI.CreateVisitor<T> visitor)
      Apply a visitor to this descriptor.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the result of the visiting.
      visitor - The visitor to apply.
      The result computed by the visitor.
    • getArea

      public abstract int getArea()
      Get the area. The area is the number of boards required.
      The number of boards requested by the job.