Class SpallocAPI.CreateDimensionsAt

Enclosing interface:

public static final class SpallocAPI.CreateDimensionsAt
extends SpallocAPI.HasBoardCoords
A request for a rectangle of triads rooted at a particular triad. No option for using physical coordinates is supported with this method.
  • Field Details

    • width

      @ValidTriadWidth public final int width
      Width requested, in triads.
    • height

      @ValidTriadHeight public final int height
      Height requested, in triads.
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateDimensionsAt

      public CreateDimensionsAt​(int width, int height, int x, int y, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board will have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      x - The X coordinate of the root board of the request.
      y - The Y coordinate of the root board of the request.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • CreateDimensionsAt

      public CreateDimensionsAt​(int width, int height, Integer x, Integer y, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board will have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      x - The X coordinate of the root board of the request.
      y - The Y coordinate of the root board of the request.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • CreateDimensionsAt

      public CreateDimensionsAt​(int width, int height, int x, int y, int z, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board must have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      x - The X coordinate of the root board of the request.
      y - The Y coordinate of the root board of the request.
      z - The Z coordinate of the root board of the request.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • CreateDimensionsAt

      public CreateDimensionsAt​(int width, int height, Integer x, Integer y, Integer z, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board must have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      x - The X coordinate of the root board of the request.
      y - The Y coordinate of the root board of the request.
      z - The Z coordinate of the root board of the request.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • CreateDimensionsAt

      public CreateDimensionsAt​(int width, int height, String ip, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board must have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      ip - The network address of the root board of the request.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
  • Method Details

    • physical

      public static SpallocAPI.CreateDimensionsAt physical​(int width, int height, int cabinet, int frame, int board, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board must have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      cabinet - The cabinet number of the root board of the request.
      frame - The frame number of the root board.
      board - The board number of the root board.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • physical

      public static SpallocAPI.CreateDimensionsAt physical​(int width, int height, Integer cabinet, Integer frame, Integer board, Integer maxDeadBoards)
      Create a request for a rectangle at a specific board. The board must have a Z coordinate of 0.
      width - Width requested, in triads.
      height - Height requested, in triads.
      cabinet - The cabinet number of the root board of the request.
      frame - The frame number of the root board.
      board - The board number of the root board.
      maxDeadBoards - The maximum number of dead boards tolerated in the allocation. Ignored when asking for a single board.
    • getArea

      public int getArea()
      Description copied from class: SpallocAPI.CreateDescriptor
      Get the area. The area is the number of boards required.
      Specified by:
      getArea in class SpallocAPI.CreateDescriptor
      The number of boards requested by the job.