Class CreateJobRequest


public class CreateJobRequest
extends Object
A request to create a job.
Donal Fellows
  • Field Details

    • owner

      public String owner
      Who owns the job. Ignored when the job is submitted by a non-admin.
    • group

      public String group
      What group will the job be accounted against; the owner must be a member of the group. If null, the single group that the owner is a member of will be used (with it being an error for that to not exist or not be unique). Only one of group, nmpiCollab or nmpiJobId must be non-null, but all can be null.
    • nmpiCollab

      public String nmpiCollab
      Which NMPI Collab the job will be accounted against; the owner must be a member of the Collab. A session will be created in the Collab and this will be accounted against. Only one of group, nmpiCollab or nmpiJobId must be non-null, but all can be null.
    • nmpiJobId

      public Integer nmpiJobId
      Which NMPI Job the job will be accounted against; the owner must be able to update the NMPI Job. Only the quota of the NMPI Job will be updated at the end of the job, as will the local quota of the Collab of the NMPI Job. Only one of group, nmpiCollab or nmpiJobId must be non-null, but all can be null.
    • keepaliveInterval

      @NotNull(message="keepalive-interval is required") public @NotNull(message="keepalive-interval is required") Duration keepaliveInterval
      How long after a keepalive message will the job be auto-deleted? Required. Must be between 30 and 300 seconds.
    • numBoards

      @Positive(message="number of boards must be at least 1 if given") public @Positive(message="number of boards must be at least 1 if given") Integer numBoards
      The number of boards to allocate. May be null to either use the default (1) or to let one of the other selectors (dimensions, board) make the choice.
    • dimensions

      The dimensions of rectangle of triads of boards to allocate. May be null to let one of the other selectors (numBoards, board) make the choice.
    • board

      The specific board to allocate. May be null to let one of the other selectors (numBoards, dimensions) make the choice.
    • machineName

      public String machineName
      Which machine to allocate on. This and tags are mutually exclusive, but at least one must be given.
    • tags

      public List<@NotBlank(message="tags must not be blank") String> tags
      The tags to select which machine to allocate on. This and machineName are mutually exclusive, but at least one must be given.
    • maxDeadBoards

      @PositiveOrZero(message="max-dead-boards may not be negative") public @PositiveOrZero(message="max-dead-boards may not be negative") Integer maxDeadBoards
      The maximum number of dead boards allowed in a rectangular allocation. Note that the allocation engine might increase this if it decides to overallocate. Defaults to 0.
  • Constructor Details