The user-facing web interface to the new spalloc service. Connected quite
deeply with both Apache CXF and Spring MVC.
Interface Summary Interface Description BackgroundSupport.BackgroundAction An action that produces a response, usually handled asynchronously.SpallocServiceAPI The REST API for the SpiNNaker machine allocation service.SpallocServiceAPI.JobAPI Interface to a particular job.SpallocServiceAPI.MachineAPI Interface to a particular machine.SystemController The main web interface controller.WebServiceComponentNames Names of parts of this web service. -
Class Summary Class Description BackgroundSupport Enables a web service class to move processing a request into a background task easily.ControllerUtils Utilities to support MVC controllers.ControllerUtils.ViewFactory Creates aModelAndView
on demand.CreateJobRequest A request to create a job.CreateJobRequest.Dimensions Describes a request for an allocation of given dimensions.CreateJobRequest.SpecificBoard Describes a request for a specific board.CreateJobResponse Describes a newly-created job.IssueReportRequest A request to report an issue with some boards.IssueReportRequest.ReportedBoard Describes a board that has an issue.IssueReportResponse Describes whether an issue with a board was reported successfully.JobStateResponse The state of a job.ListJobsResponse The list of jobs.MachinePower Describes the current state of power of the machine (or at least the portion of it allocated to a job), or a state that the user wants us to switch into.MachineResponse The description of an individual machine.MachinesResponse The description of machines known to the service.MachinesResponse.BriefMachineDescription A brief, summary description of a machine.MvcConfig Sets up the login page and static resource mappings.Process A process in a list of processes.RootController A simple controller for the root of the service.ServiceDescription The description of the overall service.SpallocServiceImpl The implementation of the user-facing REST API.SubMachineResponse Describes an allocation of part of a machine to a job.SystemControllerImpl The main web interface controller.WhereIsResponse Describes the result of a where-is style request. -
Exception Summary Exception Description RequestFailedException Thrown to indicate various sorts of problems with the service.RequestFailedException.BadArgs The client provided bad arguments in a request.RequestFailedException.EmptyResponse The response is empty.RequestFailedException.ItsGone A resource is no longer believed to exist.RequestFailedException.NotFound A resource cannot be located. -
Annotation Types Summary Annotation Type Description Action Describes what action a method is to take.