Uses of Package
Package | Description |
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Administrative interfaces for spalloc server.
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The core allocation system.
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The user-facing web interface to the new spalloc service.
Classes in used by Class Description Action Describes what action a method is to take. -
Classes in used by Class Description IssueReportRequest A request to report an issue with some boards. -
Classes in used by Class Description Action Describes what action a method is to take.BackgroundSupport Enables a web service class to move processing a request into a background task easily.BackgroundSupport.BackgroundAction An action that produces a response, usually handled asynchronously.CreateJobRequest A request to create a job.CreateJobRequest.Dimensions Describes a request for an allocation of given dimensions.CreateJobRequest.SpecificBoard Describes a request for a specific board.IssueReportRequest A request to report an issue with some boards.IssueReportRequest.ReportedBoard Describes a board that has an issue.MachinePower Describes the current state of power of the machine (or at least the portion of it allocated to a job), or a state that the user wants us to switch into.MachinesResponse The description of machines known to the service.MachinesResponse.BriefMachineDescription A brief, summary description of a machine.Process A process in a list of processes.RequestFailedException Thrown to indicate various sorts of problems with the service.ServiceDescription The description of the overall service.SpallocServiceAPI The REST API for the SpiNNaker machine allocation service.SpallocServiceAPI.JobAPI Interface to a particular job.SpallocServiceAPI.MachineAPI Interface to a particular machine.SubMachineResponse Describes an allocation of part of a machine to a job.SystemController The main web interface controller.WhereIsResponse Describes the result of a where-is style request.