Class NotificationConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, Connection

public class NotificationConnection
extends UDPConnection<NotificationMessage>
A UDP connection for sending and receiving notification protocol messages. These messages go between programs on host; they do not go to and from SpiNNaker and are not constrained by SpiNNaker's message size rules.
  • Constructor Details

    • NotificationConnection

      public NotificationConnection​(InetAddress localHost) throws IOException
      Create a notification protocol connection only available for listening, using default local port.
      localHost - The local IP address to bind to.
      IOException - If there is an error setting up the communication channel
    • NotificationConnection

      public NotificationConnection​(InetAddress localHost, Integer localPort) throws IOException
      Create a notification protocol connection only available for listening.
      localHost - The local IP address to bind to.
      localPort - The local port to bind to, 0 or between 1025 and 65535.
      IOException - If there is an error setting up the communication channel
    • NotificationConnection

      public NotificationConnection​(InetAddress localHost, Integer localPort, InetAddress remoteHost, Integer remotePort) throws IOException
      Create a notification protocol connection that is bound to a particular remote location (where the toolchain should be running).
      localHost - The local host to bind to. If not specified, it defaults to binding to all interfaces, unless remoteHost is specified, in which case binding is done to the IP address that will be used to send packets.
      localPort - The local port to bind to, 0 or between 1025 and 65535.
      remoteHost - The remote host to send packets to. If not specified, the socket will be available for listening only, and will throw and exception if used for sending.
      remotePort - The remote port to send packets to. If remoteHost is null, this is ignored. If remoteHost is specified, this must also be specified as non-zero for the connection to allow sending.
      IOException - If there is an error setting up the communication channel
  • Method Details