Interface Connection

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BMPConnection, BootConnection, DelegatingSCPConnection, EIEIOConnection, IPAddressConnection, NotificationConnection, ProxyUDPConnection, SCPConnection, SDPConnection, UDPConnection

public interface Connection
extends Closeable
An abstract connection to the SpiNNaker board over some medium. This resource class holds a network socket (or a proxy for one) and can answer basic questions about it.
  • Method Details

    • isConnected

      boolean isConnected() throws IOException
      Determines if the medium is connected at this point in time. Connected media are not closed. Disconnected media might not be open.
      true if the medium is connected, false otherwise
      IOException - If there is an error when determining the connectivity of the medium.
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      Determines if the medium is closed at this point in time. Closed media are not connected. Open media might not be connected.
      true if the medium is closed, false otherwise
    • getLocalIPAddress

      InetAddress getLocalIPAddress()
      the local (host) IP address of the socket. Expected to be an IPv4 address when talking to SpiNNaker.
    • getLocalPort

      int getLocalPort()
      the local (host) port of the socket.
    • getRemoteIPAddress

      InetAddress getRemoteIPAddress()
      the remote (board) IP address of the socket. Expected to be an IPv4 address when talking to SpiNNaker.
    • getRemotePort

      int getRemotePort()
      the remote (board) port of the socket.
    • convertTimeout

      default int convertTimeout​(Integer timeout)
      Convert a timeout into a primitive type.
      timeout - The timeout in milliseconds, or null to wait "forever".
      The primitive timeout.
    • receive

      Receive data from the connection.
      timeout - The timeout in milliseconds, or null to wait forever
      The data received, in a little-endian buffer
      SocketTimeoutException - If a timeout occurs before any data is received
      EOFException - If the connection is closed
      IOException - If an error occurs receiving the data
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • receiveWithAddress

      UDPPacket receiveWithAddress​(int timeout) throws SocketTimeoutException, IOException
      Receive data from the connection along with the address where the data was received from.
      timeout - The timeout in milliseconds
      The datagram packet received; caller is responsible for only accessing the valid part of the buffer.
      SocketTimeoutException - If a timeout occurs before any data is received
      EOFException - If the connection is closed
      IOException - If an error occurs receiving the data
    • send

      void send​(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException
      Send data down this connection.
      data - The data to be sent
      EOFException - If the connection is closed
      IOException - If there is an error sending the data
      IllegalStateException - If the data buffer doesn't hold a message; zero-length messages are not supported!
    • sendTo

      void sendTo​(ByteBuffer data, InetAddress address, int port) throws IOException
      Send data down this connection.
      data - The data to be sent
      address - Where to send (must be non-null)
      port - What port to send to (must be non-zero)
      EOFException - If the connection is closed
      IOException - If there is an error sending the data
      IllegalStateException - If the data packet doesn't hold a real message; zero-length messages are not supported!