Class SCPConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, Connection, SCPSenderReceiver
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SCPConnection
extends SDPConnection
implements SCPSenderReceiver
An SDP connection to talk SCP (SpiNNaker Control Protocol) to SC&MP on a SpiNNaker system, and to the cores managed by it. In general, an SCPConnection is thread safe when used via a TxrxProcess, but not all operations that can be invoked that way are; flood-fills of binaries are particularly known to be only safe to do strictly one at a time and with no other traffic.
  • Constructor Details

    • SCPConnection

      public SCPConnection​(HasChipLocation chip, InetAddress localHost, Integer localPort, InetAddress remoteHost) throws IOException
      Create a connection to a particular instance of SCAMP.
      chip - The location of the chip on the board with this remoteHost
      localHost - The optional host of the local interface to listen on; use null to listen on all local interfaces.
      localPort - The optional local port to listen on; use null to pick a random port.
      remoteHost - The remote host to send messages to.
      IOException - If anything goes wrong with socket setup.
    • SCPConnection

      protected SCPConnection​(HasChipLocation chip, InetAddress localHost, Integer localPort, InetAddress remoteHost, int remotePort) throws IOException
      Create a connection to a particular instance of SCAMP. Can use a specified local network interface.
      chip - The location of the chip on the board with this remoteHost
      localHost - The optional host of the local interface to listen on; use null to listen on all local interfaces.
      localPort - The optional local port to listen on; use null to pick a random port.
      remoteHost - The remote host to send messages to.
      remotePort - The optional remote port number to send messages to. If null, the default remote port is used.
      IOException - If anything goes wrong with socket setup.
  • Method Details

    • receiveSCPResponse

      public final SCPResultMessage receiveSCPResponse​(int timeout) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      Receives an SCP response from this connection. Blocks until a message has been received, or a timeout occurs.

      This is tricky code because there can be multiple threads using a connection at once and we need to direct responses to the threads that originated the requests that the responses match to. A consequence of this is that it is possible for the wait for a message to be longer than the timeout given; that will occur when the current thread keeps receiving messages for other threads.

      Specified by:
      receiveSCPResponse in interface SCPSenderReceiver
      timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the message to arrive, or until the connection is closed.
      The SCP result, the sequence number, and the data of the response. The buffer pointer will be positioned at the point where the payload starts.
      IOException - If there is an error receiving the message
      SocketTimeoutException - If there is a timeout before a message is received
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • closeEventually

      public void closeEventually()
      Close this connection eventually. The close might not happen immediately.
    • closeAndLogNoExcept

      protected final void closeAndLogNoExcept()
      Close this connection, logging failures instead of throwing.

      Core of implementation of closeEventually().

    • send

      public void send​(ByteBuffer requestData, int seq) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: SCPSenderReceiver
      Send a request that expects a response to be appropriately directed to the thread that is calling this method.
      Specified by:
      send in interface SCPSenderReceiver
      requestData - The message data to send.
      seq - The sequence number to come in the response.
      IOException - If there is an error sending the message
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class UDPConnection<SDPMessage>