Interface SCPSenderReceiver

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, Connection
All Known Implementing Classes:
BMPConnection, DelegatingSCPConnection, SCPConnection

public interface SCPSenderReceiver
extends Connection
Sends an SCP request and receives a response to it.
Donal Fellows
  • Method Details

    • getSCPData

      default ByteBuffer getSCPData​(SCPRequest<?> scpRequest)
      Returns the data of an SCP request as it would be sent down this connection.
      scpRequest - message packet to serialise
      The buffer holding the data. The data should be written into the start of the buffer and should end at the position.
    • send

      default void send​(SCPRequest<?> request) throws IOException
      Sends an SCP request down this connection.

      Messages must have the following properties:

      • sourcePort is null or 7
      • sourceCpu is null or 31
      • sourceChipX is null or 0
      • sourceChipY is null or 0
      tag in the message is optional; if not set, the default set in the constructor will be used.

      sequence in the message is optional; if not set, (sequence number last assigned + 1) % 65536 will be used

      request - message packet to send
      IOException - If there is an error sending the message
    • getChip

      ChipLocation getChip()
      The chip at which messages sent down this connection will arrive at first.
    • receiveSCPResponse

      default SCPResultMessage receiveSCPResponse​(Integer timeout) throws SocketTimeoutException, IOException, InterruptedException
      Receives an SCP response from this connection. Blocks until a message has been received, or a timeout occurs.
      timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the message to arrive; if null, will wait forever, or until the connection is closed.
      The SCP result, the sequence number, and the data of the response. The buffer pointer will be positioned at the point where the payload starts.
      IOException - If there is an error receiving the message
      SocketTimeoutException - If there is a timeout before a message is received
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • receiveSCPResponse

      SCPResultMessage receiveSCPResponse​(int timeout) throws SocketTimeoutException, IOException, InterruptedException
      Receives an SCP response from this connection. Blocks until a message has been received, or a timeout occurs.
      timeout - The time in milliseconds to wait for the message to arrive, or until the connection is closed.
      The SCP result, the sequence number, and the data of the response. The buffer pointer will be positioned at the point where the payload starts.
      IOException - If there is an error receiving the message
      SocketTimeoutException - If there is a timeout before a message is received
      InterruptedException - If communications are interrupted.
    • send

      void send​(ByteBuffer requestData, int seq) throws IOException
      Send a request that expects a response to be appropriately directed to the thread that is calling this method.
      requestData - The message data to send.
      seq - The sequence number to come in the response.
      IOException - If there is an error sending the message
      See Also: