Class SpiNNakerTriadGeometry


public final class SpiNNakerTriadGeometry
extends Object
Geometry of a "triad" of SpiNNaker boards.

The geometry is defined by the arguments to the constructor; the standard arrangement can be obtained from get_spinn5_geometry.

Note that the geometry defines what a Triad is in terms of the dimensions of a triad and where the root chips occur in the triad.

See Also:
Python Version
  • Field Details

    • triadHeight

      public final int triadHeight
      Height of a triad in chips.
    • triadWidth

      public final int triadWidth
      Width of a triad in chips.
  • Method Details

    • getRootChip

      public ChipLocation getRootChip​(HasChipLocation chip, int width, int height)
      Finds the root Chip for the board this Chip is on.

      Warning: parameter order is width, height to match python.

      chip - Location of Chip with X and Y expresses as whole machine coordinates.
      width - The width of the machine to find the chips in.
      height - The height of the machine to find the chips in.
      The whole machine location of the Bottom Left Chip expressed as whole machine coordinates.
    • getLocalChipCoordinate

      public ChipLocation getLocalChipCoordinate​(HasChipLocation chip)
      Converts whole machine coordinates into local ones.
      chip - Location of Chip with X and Y expresses as whole machine coordinates.
      The local coordinates of the Chip on board.
    • getPotentialRootChips

      public Set<ChipLocation> getPotentialRootChips​(MachineDimensions dimensions)
      Get the coordinates of bottom left chip on each board.

      The bottom left Chip(s) are the ones with the local coordinates 0, 0. This is also typically the ethernet one.

      No check is done to see if all the boards are present, nor if the root chip is present and active.

      dimensions - Size of the machine along the x and y axes in Chips.
      List of the root ChipLocation that would be there is all possible boards in the width and height are present.
    • singleBoard

      public Collection<ChipLocation> singleBoard()
      An Collection all the chips on a Single board with a root of 0, 0.
      An unmodifiable Collection of the Locations on one board.
    • singleBoardIterator

      public Iterator<ChipLocation> singleBoardIterator()
      An Iterator all the chips on a Single board with a root of 0, 0.
      All the Locations on one board.
    • singleBoardForEach

      public void singleBoardForEach​(Consumer<ChipLocation> action)
      Allows forEach to be called on all ChipLocations in SingleBoardCoordinates.
      action - The action to be performed for each element
    • getSpinn5Geometry

      public static SpiNNakerTriadGeometry getSpinn5Geometry()
      Get the geometry object for a SpiNN-5 arrangement of boards.

      Note the centres are slightly offset so as to force which edges are included where

      SpiNN5 geometry