Class PhysicalCoords

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class PhysicalCoords
extends Object
implements Comparable<PhysicalCoords>
Physical board coordinates. The cabinet and frame (with multiple frames per cabinet) describe where a board is located within the physical layout of the machine (and also which BMP is managing it, as there is one managing BMP per frame). The board number says which board within the frame is being referred to.

Serialisation Formats

Defaults to being serialised as a JSON object:
{"cabinet": 3, "frame": 2, "board": 1}
and can be deserialized from that, or:
{"c": 3, "f": 2, "b": 1}
It can also accept being deserialised from a JSON array, for a more compact notation:
[3, 2, 1]
Finally, it can also be deserialised from the string form created by the toString() method:
Donal Fellows